As the geniuses that fill the bustling kitchens of your local - TopicsExpress


As the geniuses that fill the bustling kitchens of your local McDonalds or Wendys prepare to walk out in demand of a $15 minimum wage yet again, it seems like a good time for all the rest of us to begin a protest of our own. First clutch your wallet tight, because the facts arent complicated despite the general publics inability to grasp them, and they put your bottom line on the front line. For every dollar that minimum wage rises your check will drop a dollar. This isnt complicated. If wages for minimum wage workers go up that money has to come from somewhere. No shit, right? The only place that dollar can come from is an increase in the cost of goods. Again, no shit, right? Who pays that increased price? You. And if youre already making more then $15/hr like most of the rest of the skilled work force then listen close, YOUR PAY WONT CHANGE. This is where it seems most Americans get lost. If you make the same and everything you buy is more expensive YOU JUST GOT A PAY CUT. Simple. Secondly, why in the hell are we trying to make entry level, no skill, jobs good jobs? These are transitional jobs. Theres a reason no one dreams of growing up to be a fry cook. It isnt a career, and it sure as hell shouldnt be paid like one. We need well paying jobs, such goes without saying. What we dont need are well paying minimum wage jobs. No one benefits. Which brings us to three, a higher minimum wage doesnt even benefit those in the mire of minimum wage drudgery. They are the number one consumer of their own goods. Thats a fact, and it isnt a complicated one to prove. What jobs pay minimum wage? Fast food, Walmart etc... All the places that those on a tight budget frequent. So go back to my first point. Theyre making more, and everything they buy just got more expensive. Its great optics, and makes Obama seem like a swell fellow but it didnt change a damn thing for you, did it? It aint rocket science, think before you jump on the wagon. Increasing minimum wage hurts the vast majority of the work force who are working real jobs without helping anyone! Of increasing the minimum wage is the magic bullet to end poverty, why only raise it to $15? Its hyped as a perfect solution with no negative effects, so why not make it a $1000/hr?
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:17:58 +0000

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