As those of you who read my posts know, I rarely post more than - TopicsExpress


As those of you who read my posts know, I rarely post more than two or three times a day, because, to me, each post tends to dilute the effect of the past. When I read many posts from the same person, no matter how good they are individually, my eyes tend to glaze over, and I tend to cease paying attention to them. Having said all of that, I feel talkative this evening, This particular analogy is just too good to allow it to pass without comment. My wife took her Chevy truck in for its annual checkup today. Dear thing just turned 25, and has lost some of its youthful glow. Ive heard that its now considered a classic in car terms. I dont recall being a classic at that age, but I guess vehicles are somewhat like dogs, and age differently than us humans. Presumably it has now reached middle age, though I still dont remember meriting the classic label during those years, Come to think of it, maybe this is my mid life. I do feel a bit more like a classic these days. :D But on with the analogy. All of the fluids get changed, the things that keep the truck running properly, because these get dirty and lose their effectiveness. Now, I dont quite yet need a blood transfusion, but I do feel the need for new blood in my life. After all, Ive been walking around with some of the same old habits and ideas for the past fifty years or so. God didnt promise us something new in His mercies every day, so I guess this old dog can still sniff out new trails, even if the nose isnt quite as sharp as it was. Check the brakes and transmission. Easy. Make sure Im ready to stop when I take the wrong direction, or have to avoid obstacles the devil puts in my way. Keep the flow of power from the Spirit going to where it needs to be, and make sure my wheels take me where Im supposed to go. I know theres something about wheel bearings and axles in there somewhere, but, hey, I never drove a car, or a classic truck for that matter. The old thing needs a paint job, but it gets us where we want to go, even if it no longer has its youthful charm. Thats true of me, too, of course, but I rather like my gray hairs. I earned them, after all. :) Both of us still feel just like we did back when we were young. The only thing missing is the racing stripes, The truck had them, too.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 00:41:24 +0000

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