As usual, the JUBILEE MANDARINS HAVE ALREADY OPENED THEIR BEAKS TO START TALKING OF THE Saba Saba RALLY having been ANTI-CLIMAX. This is due to lack of knowledge and ignorance on their part. They of course expected CORD under the leadership of the PM to order for invading of the statehouse. This was not going to happen for two reasons 1. RAO is a patriotic Kenyan who loves his Country and Countrymen more than even himself. He had already put his life on fire during Nyayo days; he was not going to risk the lives of Kenyans due to UHURUTO failures. Secondly, UHURUTO are facing INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS for mass MURDER. They are accused of having planned, organized, financed and executed the 2007/2008 PEV. They would not hesitate to do the same on innocent Kenyans. They would not waste time to order opening fire to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent and un-armed Kenyans, and spill blood, as this would not be news to them. These are individuals who are suspected to have no qualm ordering their tribesmen to round off women, lock them in churches and setting it on fire as it happened in KIAMBAA, KIMUMU, NAIVASHA and NAKURU. Raila and CORD knew this plan well in advanced. That is why JUBILEE is disappointed. They were yearning for blood. Raila denied them a chance. They are mad at him. After all, Raila, Kalonzo and Wetangula have never killed anybody. Even their fathers never killed anybody. What can you say of the other side? Now I invite insults from tribal jingoists, demented characters and myopic idiots.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 05:46:54 +0000

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