As you can probably tell from my past couple posts I am facing - TopicsExpress


As you can probably tell from my past couple posts I am facing some tough parental decisions right along with many of my friends who have kids the same age – we have had discussions and they seems as wishy washy as I do and every bit confused. First question being – After they get their drivers permit do I let them get their school permit? Second question being – Should I buy his car or make him pay for it? Here is where I am on the fence. I paid for my own – along with insurance gas and repairs. I had a job, school activities and maintained decent grades. I came away from it with a very valuable lesson gained. I came from a family with a very strong work ethic –quite often all 4 of us having 2 jobs….but if you want the extras that’s how it goes. But here is where I have my inhibitions – I feel like once you start working you never stop. Youth is so fleeting and I want it to last for my own kids as long as it possibly can. I want them to enjoy that freedom that passes so fast it was like it was never really there. Is it wrong that I want them to look back on their childhood summers and it be a vision of a Country Time Lemonade commercial? Mack still has responsibilities here at home – lawn, laundry, dishes , pets, vacuum, garbage, babysitting kid sister and helps at the studio when needed… long as that is taken care of I am fine with him being a summer bum the rest of the time. BUT on the other hand I don’t want to raise some kid that is dependent on me every time his bank account runs low. I feel like he needs to learn how to live poor – after all – he’s the one who’s broke – not me, right? He has every opportunity to work for his dad and I at the farm and at the studio but anyone who has seen this go down KNOWS what HORRIBLE bosses Bryan and I are. Poor kid. Parents who have been there or are facing the same issue – your input please.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 11:19:04 +0000

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