As you know 2014 was far from kind to my family, especially in - TopicsExpress


As you know 2014 was far from kind to my family, especially in regards to my nephew Nico being diagnosed with Evans Syndrome. In the midst of a year I would like nothing more than to forget, one thing became very clear to me; there are some really amazing and wonderful people in this world who are willing to take time out of their lives to help others, even if they dont know them. So for 2015 instead of a self indulging New Years Resolution like losing weight or crossing something off my bucket list I have decided to Pay it Forward, especially to those who I have seen show empathy and compassion last year. I am asking my friends to help me with my first Pay it Forward Mission. Mission # 1: DONATIONS OF LOVE…. Embrace Kids Foundation….There are simply no words to describe what this foundation does for families with sick children. I have seen it first hand in The Childrens Cancer Institute with my nephew sitting on his mothers lap crying because he doesnt want to be stabbed with another needle in his arm. But thanks to Embrace Kids the doctor can pull a toy out of his/her pocket to make him smile. I have seen the most beautiful birthday princesses with crowns on top of their beautiful bald heads celebrating their birthdays in the hospital because Embrace Kids supplied the families with all the birthday fun from a cake to presents. This is all done through donations given to the foundation. This is where my mission comes in, DONATIONS OF LOVE. There is nothing more healing than the power of love and what better time of the year to show love than Valentines Day? So I am asking my friends to donate toys…anything as small as something you would find in a prize box in a teachers classroom to a toy that makes a child say I always wanted this!. Please, all toys must be new and in a package. The children receiving them are battling bad immune systems and we do not want to risk spreading unwanted germs. In addition to toys I am asking for Valentines Day cards for the kids. Nico can distribute them to his friends in the hospital or the doctors can pass them out so the kids during appointments or rounds so they can feel as much love as possible around Valentines Day. All of the toys and cards will be brought to The Childrens Cancer Institute in New Brunswick via my nephew Nico, or as we affectionally call him SuperNico, around the week of Valentines Day. I will be more than willing to come to you to pick up any items you may have if you are willing to help me with this mission. Please feel free to pass along this post along to co-workers, family and friends. The more love we can give the more healing will occur, I am sure of it! I would like to have all donations and cards by February 8th. Below is a little information about Embrace Kids. Please visit their website and if you have any questions or concerns please let me know. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love, Chrissy Embrace Kids Foundation exists to lighten the burden and improve the quality of life for children with cancer, sickle cell and other serious disorders in the New Jersey/New York City metropolitan area. Underlying all of our programs is our goal to help maintain as much normalcy as possible in our patients lives by addressing the spiritual, emotional and financial issues of the kids and their families. Visit Embrace Kids website @
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 02:09:42 +0000

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