As your editor was driving to work last week, he heard a - TopicsExpress


As your editor was driving to work last week, he heard a conservative commentator offer an opinion on the direction to fight Ebola. These comments were disappointing, but not overly surprising. The comments were published on the stations opinion blog: We always underplay the risk of spreading an illness; disrupting our routine to protect those around us is inconvenient. I think this is the weakest link in stopping the spread of Ebola. The Centers for Disease Control knows that voluntary measures dont work. Its one of those rare circumstances were (sic) I think a more muscular, more authoritarian government policy is appropriate. Keeping the general public safe wins out over individual rights in this case. Why cant the CDC see that? The one time we need big government, it fails us. Unfortunately, this opinion is not uncommon when it comes to fears of Ebola or other media-fueled medical epidemics. After all, no one wants to get sick and die or even wish that on others. However, Americans tend to forget that at times of actual or manufactured crisis, the powers that be will not let it go to waste and will fill the void with taxpayer dollars and liberty-robbing legislation or unconstitutional executive edicts. Do Americans value liberty so low that they will willingly trade it for temporary security? Taking a recent look at the events of post 9/11 seem to answer that question in the affirmative. At the time, the Bush administration and Congress used this as an excuse to implement a big government, military-flexing foreign policy that sets up and tears down foreign governments at will, as well as unconstitutionally spying on its citizens and facilitates open borders. And yet, Americans seem to be largely accepting of this. Neither political party says a peep about the unconstitutional measures taken against Americans, stripping them of certain liberties. The Republicans encourage it due to their neo-conservative, war-hawk leadership, and the Democrats, who should be leading the charge to regain lost civil rights, are nowhere to be seen. Leadership in both of these major political parties have failed the American people. Generations of Americans continue to get caught in the snare of welfares grip while additional generations deal with the aftermath of sending their young sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, husbands, and wives to die on some foreign battlefield to spread democracy or kill our US-generated enemies before they kill us. But yet thats the life Americans have chosen to largely accept as normal. Gone are the days of self reliance and self governance. Have we gotten too complacent? When is enough enough? Members of The John Birch Society have stood up and declared, Enough! decades ago. Without their great efforts and hard-fought battles, we believe that America would have folded long ago. But the JBS continues to make in-roads toward restoring lost liberties in many areas of America. The plan is simple: organize locally, educate locally, recruit locally, elect locally to create an educated electorate. The activists bringing this about dont need to be a majority, rather a tireless minority dedicated to the founding principles. Out of this educated electorate arises candidates for public office who will adhere to the limitations of the Constitution. More adherence to the Constitution means more local, county, and state control and less federal interference, smaller federal government, increased fiscal responsibility, and a strong defensive military not meddling in the affairs of other countries. And it means a return to American liberty for todays and future generations. To get started today, join The John Birch Society.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 02:52:08 +0000

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