Asalam alekum my dear facebook friends....I give Praise to Allah - TopicsExpress


Asalam alekum my dear facebook friends....I give Praise to Allah for He has enabled me to be here today! Ameen! To my dear friends John kinuthia ...we trod the beat sometime pamoja shared the dear brown bottle and im proud that you are spreading the gospel to people in Nakuru and within the police force ...i salute u are born again ..bit what of we just went aback and reasoned like scholars or theologians or religious scholars? Its not a challange but to arrive at the truth then its a path I intend to walk...u knw I trust u .... as for Joy Muthoni ...and Nzisa Maluti my dear sister Stella Daley and Sylvia and brother Patrick Kahura to be sister in law Judy. Lish Arego and Owen Kibet Rahel Oyugi .... Key word here is you cannot be Muslim if u dont believe in Jesus / Isaa as Allahs /Gods messanger! Letw get that right.... I hve had a good life thanks to my new found Faith Islam...I am proud and honoured to say as Allahs/Gods witness and a shaheed that its about time though a call I didnt heed from my fir nd Githinji Nyagah 22 yrs a go n blindly followed Christianity a 22yrs journey has come to pass! As for those who have been sending me messages thanks an keep them coming I will help clarify with proof that Islam is the true faith I stand with both the bible n the Quran n answer all your questions with facts n proof, Yes that Christianity, which was my Faith has its faults n is not true so u knw my message anyone who doubts me pliz send me a message if u want you knw I explain ask along we can debate I can even call u via viber my no is +974770186 I attend class front 8:30atill 11am but call or aend a message I promise ig I hve time to answer all chronologically n with evidence! I did not blindly follow just Islam is after year of research and soul searching after being catholic for 34yrs so I knw the truth now n I will defend it but please if u dont knw abt Islam I will say dua/prayer u for u are misconstrued, dont bush or hate respect all as I promise to do abt other faiths n belief... I do not doubt what I lnw belief or blinded by faith as I was before...its just amaze g to hve friends like Carol Kinyua young Tom.. who have a positive attitude and others like my folks who are easy like a Sunday morning who got it the first time that I wont go back to Christianity is yours they said ..each had his life to trying yp get by in mine...besides, Im equally the same man tying to just lead a better life than the past which I truely and in an honest way can say worse, I was not good and just by God n didnt make an effort those that I trumped I say forgive me to to those I missled also pole ...
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:14:18 +0000

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