Asalamu alaikum my respected brothers and sisters.. As of late Ive - TopicsExpress


Asalamu alaikum my respected brothers and sisters.. As of late Ive been inundated with a chain message telling me that its my fault things are happening in gaza because I havent boycott certain sins and have also as of late come across people who say we shouldnt boycott or protest but rather do dua for those in gaza and not protest as the fate of those in Palestine is written and sealed. Now, I agree that all things happens by divine decree... And I agree that no doubt the ummahs weak faith has contributed to many of our problems right now. However.. In principle I strongly disagree with the those who ask us to simply do nothing because of the above listed reasons.. Here is why. 1. All things are decreed.. Including when we will die.. Does that stop you from eating drinking washing, sleeping and working so you can do all of that? No.. But by these peoples logic there is no point in eating or drinking because your death has already been assigned so why do anything to stay alive? If I broke into your house, slapped your mother and raped your sisters in front of you before proceeding to kill them would you try to take vengeance? If yes why??? Its already been written!! Same logic.. And forgive me if the scenario is grim but the fact is that is actually a reality for the people of Syria gaza and Central African Republic and Dagestan (and many more) 2. Our sins are responsible for this... Yes and no.. Yes we the Ummah are weak and no doubt fitnah spreads because of that.. But none of my sins directly fund and empower the people who are murdering Palestinians.. However my shopping habits used to. If I cant persuade Saudi Arabia Egypt and Jordan to somehow gain some courage and do something the least I can do is watch where I spend money.. I mean would you be my friend if I killed your family? No?? Okay so why the hell would you give me money to do so? Are the Palestinians not our family? Whatever happened to one body one heart one head (the Ummah is a body) 3. We as Muslims are the largest customer base in the world because we are the only group that in a sense has almost homogenous shopping habits and dietary requirements among all the world faiths.. No other adherents to any religion (except maybe Jews) agree unanimously on the same foods, clothing and dietary requirements.. We are the biggest purchasers of foods like dates etc .. If only ten percent of us agreed not to buy certain products world wide these brands would lose one hundred and eighty million customers. Its not like I saying that you should completely not eat certain things.. And in many cases the things we are asking you to boycott are things you may not need... Do you really NEED to go to Starbucks? Do you need to shop at tesco? Or Sainsburys or asda? Honestly... No, us refusing to even boycott these places is the true sign of our weakness.. There is no reason why we cant especially those of you living in England as there are so many alternatives worldwide. Boycotting may not end the siege of gaza but at least it is a sign that the masses will not tolerate the media biased portrayal of the conflict and it will be a blow to Zionist pockets and perhaps a wake up call to officials blocking boarders for Palestinians. Remember that religiously we are actually obliged to do whatever we can to show our anger about this situation ranging from using our hands to speaking, but being silent and keeping anger inside is the weakest sign of faith. Also remember that Allah will question us all individually as to why we did nothing as our brothers and sisters got butchered.. In Nigeria some people were shot dead for protesting about gaza.. They sacrificed their lives? Are you really telling me you cant sacrifice things like coke (which is unhealthy and probably killing you anyway) in fact those of you who run businesses should stop serving and buying products from companies like coca cola and give your suppliers your genuine reasons as well so its on record as to why.. Zionists arent afraid to state religious and political motives behind their business practices so why should we? Many of you may disagree with me and that is fine and some may even call this message self righteous and to a degree I agree.. This message is very selfish indeed because Im writing this with the intention of saving myself from Allahs wrath when he asks me why I didnt help the Palestinians.. This is the least I can do and Im still scared. I dont know about you, but I genuinely do fear Allah... You should too. Your brother Nabil Abdulrashid
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:27:23 +0000

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