Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatu. Happy Ramadan to you - TopicsExpress


Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatu. Happy Ramadan to you all. May Allah make this the best Ramadan and bring us all closer to him. RMIT Islamic Society would like to announce that iftar (Breaking the fast) will be held this Ramadan for all staff, students and guests. Iftar is held annually throughout Ramadan. However due to Ramadan falling on the dates of the undergraduate holiday break I’d like to announce that this year RMIT will be running iftar in the last 2 weeks of Ramadan in addition to 1 guest iftar that requires all RMITIS volunteers to take part of. The days of iftar will inshaAllah be on Wednesday and Thursday on the dates of the 24th July, 25th July and in the following week it will be held on the 31st July and the 1st of August. On the 5th of August we will be accommodating for the guest iftar. This is where our society invites other societies and organisations to join us for an the breaking of our fast in addition presenting to them (non-muslims) what Ramadan and Islam is all about. This is an exciting time of the year for the Muslims and a good opportunity to take part in societies activities and gain double rewards in this blessed month that Allah has given to us alhamdulila. For all those who are happy to take part in this or even just come and join us to eat, respond to this email letting us know our numbers so that it may assist us in the right amount of food that will be ordered. SISTERS. There have been a number of concerns from both members of our society and other sisters as to the lack of sisters participating in the society. It is vital that sisters get involved and increasing our efforts within the society. May ALLAH send upon us tons and tons of rizk this beautiful month and display upon us his mercy and forgiveness, the ultimate purpose of our existence in this world and what a great gift that ALLAH has given us the key to the next life. Jazakallahu khayrr. Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatu. RMIT Islamic Society AHMED ELMAHMOUD President 0401 064 336
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 19:49:06 +0000

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