Ask a Latter-Day Nuwaupian who built the pyramids? Ans: - TopicsExpress


Ask a Latter-Day Nuwaupian who built the pyramids? Ans: Extra-Terra-Astrals visitors from beyond the stars This absurdity can be found in Yorks books which he got from Eric Von Daniken, Zecahriah Sitchin etc..... Here are a few examples: Adafa was in tune with celestial beings that originally erected the pyramids . They are visitors from other galaxies. And one of the pyramids was built to preserve all of his freinds texts during the period of the flood. (What flood is York referring to?) The pyramids are the storehouses of the Eloheem of knowledge for humans. 450 Thousand years ago when Extraterrestrials came to Earth from Mars, they set up what you called the Ancient Egyptian Culture. The Great Pyramid of Giza which was attributed to Khufu because he reconstructed it was called Ekhet Khufu (Horizon of Khufu) by the Ancient Moors/Kemites of Ptah. Originally Adafa, also know as Enoch erected this pyramid with the help of the Anunnqis. Upon their request Adafa built the Great Pyramid of Giza to store the secret tablets of the elder, who was Adafas closest companion. Ancient Egypt and the Pharaohs Ancient Egyptian history provides no evidence at all to support this story. Lets delve into the history of the development of pyramids and see if Yorks claim of Extra terrestrials harmonizes with the archaeological and historical evidence...... Egyptologists have been digging up the past of Egypt for the past 150 years now and can construct a fairly detailed scenario for the evolution of this civilization. Arcaheologists have now traced the ultimate roots of Egypt back more than 18,000 yrs, when nomadic hunters and gatherers began to settle down along the Nile River. In time the Egyptians moved on to agriculture and domestication of animals. Also there was a population increase due to a larger food supply. Tombs were built , at sites such as Hierakonopolis we first see large tombs where the wealthy were laid to rest. Their tombs were carved out of bedrock and covered with mounds or small crude pyramids of earth. After Narmer unified both upper and lower Egypt, the old practice of burying a leader in a bedrock tomb with a small earthen pyramid on top was deemed insufficient for the Pharaohs. Initially the practice of erecting an earthen mound over the tomb was replaced by construction of a square block structure called a mastaba. As the mastabas over the tombs got larger through time, the Pharaohs began to build stepped mastabas, with one block on top of another culminating in the stepped pyramid for the pharaoh Djoser at saqqara. Finally around 4600 yrs ago, the first non stepped stone face, true pyramid was attempted at a place called meidum. The first true, flatsided Egyptian pyramids were far from perfect, and mistakes in their construction rather convincingly demonstrate that they were not built by technologically advanced Extraterrestrial Aliens as York claims! The next pyramid built after the one at meidum is the so called bent pyramid. In the middle of this pyramids construction, Egyptian architects realized that its very steeped walls, built at an angle of about 55 degrees, were unstable. The builders reacted by lessening the angle of the top half of the pyramid to a slope of a bit less than 45 degrees. After 4600 years ago, the Ancient Egyptian architects finally mastered pyramid building , which were built as monumental tombs for the great Pharaohs. As archaeology, and the study of the development of Egyptian Civilization has shown, pyramids clearly evolved through time, they were a logical step in the evolution of Egyptian funerary architecture. Egyptians built the pyramids using their own intelligence, ingenuity, and labor. There is plenty of archeological evidence to illustrate the slow development of these skills and abilities through time. Heres what we know: Egyptian civilization evolved not suddenly via help from Ets/Aliens as York claims but after some 18,000 yrs of development marked by: 1- The adoption of Agriculture 2- Increasing village size 3- Intervillage competition 4- Village differentiation 5- Concentration of wealth 6- Increase in tomb size 7- Consolidation under a single leader 8- Obvious trials and errors in the development of the pyramids as monuments to their dead kings The Egyptians kept accurate historical records. The so-called Royal Canon of Turin contains the names of about 300 Pharaohs. It is a detailed and virtually complete listing of Egyptian rulers for the first part of their history, providing the duration of their reigns, sometimes to the exact number of years, months and even days. This list traces Egyptian kingship for 958 years, all the way back to Narmer, Theres not a single Extraterrestrial or reference to one in the bunch. It is a clearly connected family lineage of descent from father to son, Pharaoh to Pharaoh. The archeological and historical facts state that the Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids and developed their civilization with out help from Extraterrestrials/Ancient Astronauts! We must remember that the Ancient Egyptians were proud of their accomplishments and recorded their construction projects in their wall paintings. Enough is known at this time to be sure that the science and technology of pyramid building developed over the centuries. A whole succession of structures show the development of this science. The Ahmes Papyrus (The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus) has several problems in pyramid mathematics. There is a rule in accessing explanations and hypothesis making and testing. It is called Occams Razor or Occams rule. In thinking, in trying to solve a problem, or in attempting to expalin some phenomenon, Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity in other words, the explanation or hypothesis that explains a series of observations with the fewest other assumptions or leaps- the hypothesis that does not multiply these entities beyond necessity is the best explanation. Heres an example of Occams Razor at work during the 18th and 19th centuries: Huge, buried, fossilized bones were found throughout North America and Europe. One hypothesis, the simplest, was that the bones were remains of an animal that no longer existed. This hypothesis simply relied on the assumption that bones do not come into existence by themselves but always serve as the skeletons of animals. Therefore, when you find bones, there must have been animals who used these bones. However another hypothesis was suggested: The bones were deposited by the devil to fool us into thinking that such animals existed. This hypothesis multiplied those entities Occam warned us about. This hypothesis demanded many more assumptions about the universe than did the first: There is a devil, that devil is interested in human affairs, he wants to fool us, he has the ability to make bones of animals that never existed and he has the ability to hide them under ground and inside solid rock. That is quite a number of unproven (and largely untestable) claims to swallow. Thus Occams Razor says the simpler hypothesis, that these great bones are evidence of the existence of animals that no longer exist- in other words dinosaurs is the best answer. The other explanation raises more questions than it answers. T The application of Occams Razor demands we consider more mundane explanations. Please remember Occams Razor here: One one hand, for the hypothesis that the Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids and their civilization themselves, we need only assume that they were clever. The archaeological record of that area lends support to this. On the other hand, for Yorks claims, we have to assume the existence of technologically advance humanoid Extraterrestrial life (unproven) assume that they visited the earth in the distant past (unproven and not very likely) assume that they needed to build pyramids to store or hide their knowledge etc... Those assumptions are bizarre and the choice under sound right reasoning and Occams Razor is clear. York however is not bound by Occams Razor, experimental testing, or any other rule of logic or method of science. This information was taken from: Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology Kenneth Feder Here are the words of the hypocrite York: They make statements about events and time, but they dont produce the evidence, or the document to support what they say, which leaves the reader in the same state they are in religion, to believe, but not have facts -Lets Set the Records Straight pg. 239 References: Chronicle of the pharaohs: The reign by reign record of the rulers and dynasties of Ancient Egypt- Peter A Clayton Egypt before the Pharaohs - Michael Hoffman The complete pyramids: Solving the ancient mysteries- Mark Lehner Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a civilization- Barry Kemp Blacks in science ancient and modern- Ivan Van Sertima The exact sciences in antiquity- Otto Neugebauer The pyramids- Ahmed Fakhry Mathematics in the time of the Pharaohs- Richard J Gillings Mathematics in the making- Lancelot Hogben The pyramids and temples of Giza- W. M. Flinders Petrie Ancient Egyptian Masonry- Somers Clarke and Engelbach
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 04:03:17 +0000

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