Assalamu Alaikum AlhamdhulillahToday I would like to discuss with - TopicsExpress


Assalamu Alaikum AlhamdhulillahToday I would like to discuss with you about what ALLAH Taa’la given us in this world and in replying what are we all giving back to Him. We all know from Quran and Hadiths that in the past period people lived hundreds even thousand years in this world but we, the Ummat e Muhammadi can live about 60 or 70 years which is very small in comparing to them. But after having a small amount of time ALLAH Taa’la declares us the best nation among all creations. ALLAH Taa’la gave all opportunities for us in this very short period. ALLAH Taa’la gave us holy month Ramadaan that He did not give any previous creations. ALLAH Taa’la gave us night of Lailatul Qadar which is better than thousand months etc. We can not express in word what ALLAH Taa’la give us in this short period of time. Among of all we can define best as ALLAH Taa’la created us as a Muslim. Yes a Muslim is precious than all creations of this world. Yes ALLAH Taa’la declares everything for only Muslims. Now after having a small time in this world are we all really worshiping ALLAH Taa’la according to His orders, in the true light of Islam. If once you ask to any person about what is he doing? Replies would be some or similar that he or she is passing time for developing career with more and more money, luxurious house, smart wife or husband, brand car etc. In addition people are watching cinema, dancing in clubs, playing sports, going beauty parlor etc etc.Why are they doing all of this because they are passing leisure times. Now my question to you all are we really send this world for passing this life or building for life after death, graveyard? Are we here for passing leisure time or only worshiping ALLAH Taa’la? If you look people surrounding you can you be sure are they working for building the life after death. Does it really seem at our faces that we are aware of our death, the life next to death? The activities of people around us never tell that we are here for a short period of time. If you ask a banker what are you doing, reply would be counting and storing money. If you ask again when will you finishearning? If you ask a businessman about his activities then reply would be some or similar that he wants expand his business all around the world or even outside of world like moon, mars? Brothers and sister, the activities that we are doing never remind us about the upcoming life after our death, well alright forget about Non- Muslims, does the Muslim aware of the akhirat all time? We are engaging so much in this small world that we have forgotten why ALLAH Taa’la send us and what he wants us. ALLAH Taa’la said in Quran, Surah 103: “By Al-’Asr (the time), Verily! Man is in loss, except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience.” And what are we thinking is that we are in great peace and happiness with our deeds. We are thinking that we will be happy if we become millionaires or owner of a 100 storied building. If success means become millionaires then why did rasool Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was poor? If success means 100 storied building then why did rasool Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was homeless? If successful means money and power then why Korah and Pharaoh destroyed with their wealth and power? ALLAH Taa’la stated in Quran that they are unsuccessful and rasool Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was successful. So my brothers and sisters now we need to think to whom we are really following here? Are we following Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) or Korah or Pharaoh? ALLAH Taa’la knows all. Now it’s time to rethink and concentrate about what ALLAH Taa’la gave us and what are we doing. Are we storing for akhirat or this small time which can be end at any time evenbefore finishing this mail. Yes indeed this world is very small, 60 or 70 years would pass easily because our rasool Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) passed it and as a follower of rasool Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was why are we afraid to live like him? Is this called love for rasool Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:05:59 +0000

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