Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu! Alhamdulillah, - TopicsExpress


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu! Alhamdulillah, here we have another lovely interview with so much of inspiration, particularly for the youth of today. Maasha Allah, a very young Muslimah who wears niqab for the sake of Allah, who is busy with seeking knowledge of the Deen and memorizing the Quran. (Binth Islam) May Allah make it easier for her. aameen Here goes the questions and answers: Q- How would you describe yourself in a few words? ans: Assalam mualykum warehmatullah. Describing my self in few words is difficult but will try. Soft hearted, very emotional, anger is no limit but try my best to control just like other muslim sisters try my best to strive in cause of Allah, abit lazy ;) Q- Being a Muslimah is something that is terribly misinterpreted in the world today. How would you explain your life as a Muslim woman? ans: People go with the outter layer not with the inner beauty just like people judge an apple by it cover saying that is not sweet. There are many to point at a muslimah at her mistake but none of them appreciate her shen she does something good except the righteous one. And about my life as a muslimah subhanAllah it is sometimes sweet like dates and honey and some times bitter as bitter gourd which is the best part Alhumdulillah. Q- How old were you when you started wearing the Niqab? ans: I started wearing my niqaab at the age of 17 Alhumdulillah
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:59:30 +0000

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