Astrogeometriya Period 1492-2014 is well known as an epoch, or - TopicsExpress


Astrogeometriya Period 1492-2014 is well known as an epoch, or several periods immediately following the Middle Ages. Date 1492-1493 is the time of execution of the prophecy or tradition known as the Byzantine calendar, that is, the Roman, Trojan calendar, since the creation of the world there is exactly 7,000 years, according to the condition in this time of such created world ends. Prophecy fulfilled as the discovery of America by Columbus, and after the by the Vikings ahead of navigation, Columbus reveals details for the theme plus ultra. Event almost unnoticed had not yet arisen Facebook audience, but quite clearly fit into representations of the Trojan War. A few years later, in 1528, it is possible to be born to the legendary character moving comic - James Bond, John Dee. I do not understand why, in the words of A Connecticut Yankee Mark Twain of the expulsion of the Russian spirit in 1000 from 528 in 1528 here are malfunctioning, the date of 1527 as the date of birth Dee, does not the fact in the history of the royal psychiatrist. Sorry, the astrologer. By the time of the reforms of the XVII century, the two sides of the conflict in 1066 are tempted to make friends, but for the princes of Moscow (kings) friendship turns into a disaster. Interestingly, as a very poor country, Tudor England eventually wins Moscow Russia and all the XIV century in England Russia nonsense going on. But the ending is known as a paraphrase of the song Grebenshikov: Empire oars again priporoshit rainbow snow Old, brilliant doctor does not grumble at the miracle fate He does not intend to serve alien bread And on the boat fragile hurry to dance on his grave. Those who in the seventeenth century, having fallen into the cracks of the external world Tightly bound legs elegant and slippery cord Quietly creep along the roads and in their eyes shine sapphires Grim DJ Seoul them running with an ax. Sam let on new English translation if he wants. Well at least not John Dee from Seoul with an ax ... In general, by the XVIII century, all the normal Russian princes somewhere that in Pomerania, in Siberia. And in Eastern Europe, North raging war on the pretext of the war against the Swedes realized ruin of Russia. But, back to the heyday of the kingdom on the island of Britain. It is most remarkable is how true the words of Metropolitan Kliment, the words this is the stone dust very unstable economy requires Tudor ruin the church and at some point, Henry even dug the grave of the brilliant Thomas Becket. Born in Greenwich heiress led this entertaining conversation with Ivan IV the Terrible. Already heavily distressed Elizabeth proposed marriage contract, it is badly in need of funds and invited Ivan to invest. He snapped at the expense of the seals of the kingdom - said that for every new document - a new seal, is to ensure that the royal seal is based on the act of forgery the time of Thomas Becket, Lord Chancellor did not actually stored. But the game has already been played, Ivan was the epitome and Dmitry Donskoy and Mamaia, in a bottle, dragged heritage Palaeologus, but a descendant of August obviously nothing himself as such Third Rome was doomed. Killed by agents of Elizabeth, Ivan actually lost the battle of Hastings again, and how she rolled Garbuz Ivan is well said in Shakespeare at the Globe. Now the inhabitants of the Island of Britain appeared right of Edward the Confessor and even Alexander the Great, in general, a rather serious success, India submits its pluses promises America, but ... Sometimes it was confused with the wheel bowsprit. Magic of John Dee and his son Arthur Dee, is not omnipotent, and brought to power in Moscow Romanov couple, rights holders could not hide their vulnerability, voiced in the formula Leskov A Tale of Tula oblique Lefty and a steel flea). Leskov received this information from Vernadsky, a member of both the geographical societies, the British Royal and the Russian Imperial. Essence - The British do not clean the gun with brick, it is about the same as messed up the wheel and bowsprit, refers to the right, which symbolizes the London Stone, brick. The plot: without complex navigation and computing equipment, Tula Kuznets curve lefty - overcomes ban for Maxwells demon. Shod English flea - the same one should at least raise a little model of Maxwells demon mechanism with ratchet and pawl. This mechanism is known as the very Globes that rolled out to the rest of the Terrible and the court psychiatrist Elizabeth, Mercator, Dee, and of the rest. In short, the dog in the model - this constellation Kinosury (Ursa Minor), and ratchet it globe. Connoisseurs geography trying to pretend that they know what it is, but in the end the character Lefty floating in Russia from England to Tverdizemnomu sea and no success trying to tell the emperor important discovery - the inhabitants of the island, on the River Thames in London, did not clean the bricks navigation and computing equipment , guns, although swear that at Greenwich they have a laboratory where every person can afford to try and find a crystal shoe and what time and how many feet are in which the meter! Yes, utter garbage, nonsense, nonsense! But, it is believed all those who trusted Newton and behold, quack Hawking. The right to manipulate the navigation, align justice, set the jib, again applied in 2008 and at the time of trying to put into operation the city of London property Cannon Place, in 2011, right at the Russian. And heres the thing. The phrase the descendants of Harold II» clear like an oxymoron. Harold just a successor project to the account of Edward navigation, navigation tools, which got on the island by the Romans. Some of the tools are very effective magic. More efficient than the device would now become a gravitational wave detector. Such as applied - easily intervenes in history as Mark Twains character, and everything just to, like the emperors of Rome, and at Edward in 1066, nothing would have happened. If it turned out that as applied would not exist as a child of the holder of rights. No need to explain that logic and arithmetic - not all-powerful, the poor fellow Hawkings example, lying about how black holes devouring information about yourself as black holes, Einstein lied about how space-time is curved and dispenses with ether and was almost suggested that the number of curves for such postranstva-time Minkowski believe a liar and limited imaginary numbers. Look how far we have come from his contemporaries and colleagues of John Dee, author of imaginary numbers and the golden fleece Cardano Elizabeth Tudor? Paraphrase of the same ... Grebenshchikova ..Oy Samara is my sister, Kostroma mon amor». In Kostroma, son of John Dee, Albert showed his tricks, the ones that did the Romanov tsars. Alas, at some point we even had to give birth to the legend of the DNA to be guided in itself, and among themselves as descendants of such entity as Harold King fortress Londinium. Tale of the nucleotides was a great success. Descendant Harold Fensis Creek in his book Mad Google. Personal view of scientific discovery, jokes that would not have so long to hide the fact - any interpretation of the chemical mechanism is not written transcript and each open-source DNA is a case of seeing the phenomenon under the same or a different angle, which is not specified as a mandatory format for read any literature. The word transcript in deciphering the DNA code too much, making the opening of the application - an oxymoron and hides phenomenon. Francis did not hide a long time, and in the middle of the century in Moscow, I ask forgiveness for neglecting the time, I know that after 1953, but ... Francis had to go to Moscow in 1584. Discussed the value of the discovery, and it is an error. This is clear if we start with the mitochondrial DNA, and the question of why the authenticity of the nucleotides in the circular mitochondrial DNA is protected much more strongly than in the linear DNA nuclear cell genome. Submissions magician like John Dee, alchemist, Europe is not just an analogue of Alaska on the map of Hesiod, and sort of the difference between Cyprus and Cornwall. This difference, which allows the kernel to the tin atom does not blend in with the nucleus of an atom of copper and form the nucleus of a gold atom 79, and shine for fools bronze era copper cups. Grendels mama called - Weaver, and only a sincere desire to get rich Tudors, thats all that was hiding in sheeps clothing chic at the time of textiles. I also drew tweed suits, and in 1998 I like the Cortes in 1528, returned to traditional European values of peace Antiques Carlos Castaneda. Cypriot copper and tin is the best British geographical representation. But the best the enemy of the good. Yes, gold is the light of the earth, so say the alchemists, but do not receive it interesting land spending gold? Branch of the Institute of Chemical Technology Mendeleyev Novomoskovsk, Tula Region, has an office just near the bus stop named don Juan Matus with the inscription Stop the World, the skeptics will say that so called street of the city, theres me and brought some time after the Battle of Hastings . Stop the world, I just became a spectator substandard television broadcast a pirated copy of the series The Flying Circus Monty Python and said: Ive had enough of Mexico, let the world is based on the scenario of these sketches. The town seemed to be waiting here turned out to apply the rule, kept secret from 43 to 1066 on the island, then to 1371 in the city of Smolensk Thomas Berennikova presbyter Brave Little Tailor Thomas Becket, and then in Moscow Rurik, right, who boasts and Tudors. Already in 1977 in Greenwich, there are no means of comparing meters and feet, but the prime meridian of the globe is still there, do not know who he is still useful, this globe ... And Novomoskovsk just starts the Don River, and the more important point for the utility model geographical representations. So, look at the map, or what have you on the geographic continents is, Google look. Source of the River Don and the entire river to the Sea of Azov - the first phase of development of fractal shapes, the kernel is invariant to scale, with the assumption of certain derogations. Next quite obvious repetitions, the Sea of Azov is a homologue of the Black Sea, a homolog of the Mediterranean, a homolog of the Atlantic, with the bifurcation of the North Indian Ocean and the Pacific after such notable garland and it is essentially a single molecule of water (water is a polymer) with a point Novomoskovsk Tula region. This is something that shod Tula Lefty in the geography of Russia and Great Britain in the globe with the North Pole and the constellation Ursa Minor - Dogs. Well, Greenwich with you all at once, you can shove it up your ass as aristocrats, where your ass out there and now the prime meridian. A North Pole 31.12.2009 I moved into the territory of the British Consulate in Moscow, New Years Eve - pricking this protection, but explaining that I was a writer - showed his magazine transmission as the best witnesss mental state. Invariant scaling or representation Fractal light to geography, today should be called astro-geography, but seems to be otherwise never happened, only the Tudors we like that - in jail globe were as under hypnosis. Of course, not only the polymer molecule Water are interested in, and the Wall of Troy, built by Poseidon, that is - the coastline of the continent or continents, its construction project at Laomedon and the scale anomaly. Only until 1492 in Byzantium it was believed that the continents of 6 or 7 with the Moon, there are only more complete, Poseidon indefatigable. Recent observed continents in this garland is microcontinent Crimea (there is even its volcanoes, miserable, mud), and you realize, Asia. Asia is the North and South Asia, it is about them and Hesiod, as one of Asia. North is seen as Siberia and Europe, South Asia, Oceania, and Australia is, in general, the shape exactly the same as those in America, but California peninsula swollen to the Indian subcontinent, and the place of the Panama Canal, the largest active volcano, see the map of the ocean floor and, lo see for yourself, it increased America. Benefits from excellent geographic representation we can discuss later, Mark Twain wrote about them in The Deal with the Devil, but it hectograph with absolutely broke. In the meantime, heres a competitor astrogeograficheskoy this model. Earth with the center in St. Thomas in 1371. Source of the river Dnieper. Here on the Dnieper River, you can draw a similar spiral garland twisted in the opposite direction - it is quite resistant version of the Earth. World. But you can see that she will soon rests in the Black Sea and the Caucasus ... not continue the analogy of the Mediterranean Sea. This problem has troubled and Zeus island in the mouth of the Dnieper, or almost in the mouth, or ... well, it anomalous that Snake Island. This is the same Achilles, son of Thetis. Thetis transformed it into an island, in Troy, he was not killed so straight to death, the hero. Well, in the East theres still such a plug - Ararat, you read about it. Look at pictures from space in Google, Tethys trail you will see, the ocean dried up recently. So, this idea of two Earths, both of them is the same Gaia, daughter of Chaos demiurge, and the hidden part of this is what is at stake in the arguments of astrologers such as Burn Road, Constellation of Asclepius way to immortality. About the same and constellation Ophiuchus as a zodiac sign. Myth: Apollos son Phaethon manages horses of Apollo and can not cope, the earth burns strongly, Zeus killed Phaethon, remains a significant defect geography. Thats just not very even kill gods. Okay. In general, the Caucasus there chained Prometheus created fellows, those fellows and gods appeared here such as Caesar, love to talk about it. August Octavian tried to deal with it by killing the son of Caesar and Cleopatra as a descendant of Achilles by the Ptolemies and Wiener on Yuliyam, but Cleopatra for several generations all the time of the Ptolemies had a sister Berenice, anticipatory something there. Beckett word in Russian sounds like a picket, a small detachment of soldiers - outpacing the main unit, and of the word peak, the spear is, all the same. Even nicer that sounds like bowsprit such a mast on the bow for a sail jib. At the site of this ancient tower on the courts is a statue of Wiener, Veronica, Berenice, Nicky. Sometimes it helps to control the sensitivity of the vessel to the directives of the steering wheel. Align justice. In 1883, the words through the thorns to the stars is still understood literally, Cleopatras Needle obelisk installed where there was an island Torney and so that rotation of the Thames almost to hide the bridge on the site of London Bridge, but so that in terms of the chapel of Thomas Becket but bridge - we could see the obelisk. Wrote about it a lot, Arthur Conan Doyle, remember the story Sign of the Four? The character of Sherlock Holmes shoots needle with curare or with Cain and morphine syringe needle before reading the ancient manuscripts with Gothic script, this is just for the chase on the Thames in a boat called Aurora. Gnomon Cleopatras Needle was brought out of Egypt, and there he lay with the departure of Moses on vacation and resentment about this pharaoh Ramses IV, whose ancestor Thutmose made this as a sundial gnomon. Inscription on the stele is a letter of resignation. Character Holmes in animated conversation with the doctor about the medieval ceramics and ships of the future, and the narrator too writes in detail about the details and numbers, so you can not escape the temptation to count - where is this place on the Thames, where they threw the treasure. As a result, the calculation of notice that the author has something wiser to feet and yards and in describing the motion of the two boats that something is wrong. This is a story about a secret floor on which the hidden treasures, the characters in this pursuit of the Aurora sail only so that when a shot poisoned needle point to the anomaly of space and time. Such is the purpose of the fortress Londinium Emperor Claudius, well, John Dee tried to talk about it as a phenomenon of the tides. In short, the gravitational interactions have been studied long before Newton and that as more interesting than the electromagnetic. The fact that the visible solar disk does not match the position of the Sun Star, well known in Egypt. The point of balance of power and tidal currents of the Thames, as is clear not quite fixed, but within the fortress of Claudius and can be specified by the London stone, and the stone at the same time it is just a stone, a piece of limestone and own it silly. This is the British guns bricks do not clean to Lefty, a paradox known as Vernadsky detail the era between 1584 and 1883 years. Period of application of the law of Harold Godwinson heritage. Pictures in advance: key piece of the 37-gon Moscow Kremlin - a model of mitochondrial DNA code to encrypt Francis Crick back. Map of London as the Observatory miniature of the thirteenth century, God geometry with the 17-gon 300 years before Gauss on the same miniature indicated the possibility to build a 37-gon if ready to be a god, be able to specify the item? Disc navigation device Viking times Beowulf (Bees nymph Melissa, Big Dipper, a nymph Kinosura Wolf, Little Dipper, Beowulf is simply navigator bee-wolf), drawing on the disk is no respect for the accuracy of the number of sectors. In their original 37. shade from the sun and a calibrated disk, you can specify where the North.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 09:31:23 +0000

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