Astrological Forecast for Monday October 28th, 2013! ARIES: A - TopicsExpress


Astrological Forecast for Monday October 28th, 2013! ARIES: A message comes to you today that sparks your drive and inner ambition. You receive a jolt of energy and a possible hurried feeling from the message you receive today. Dont rush and dont stress, this message came according to the wishes youve been sending out. Take your time with how you digest what youve learned. TAURUS: Today will be steady moving and slow paced. Take your time to chew things over, and if people try to shake up your stability and get in the way of your plans, dont allow them. Always let others voice their opinion, but in the end its ultimately up to YOU where you go from here. Take time, be patient, and ultimately do whats best according to the stability of your situation. GEMINI: You may be feeling a little conflicted today, as if the whole worlds against you and youre fighting this battle on your own. People may not really know where youre coming from, and you may have difficulty communicating, which could make for a hard time today in matters of social situations. Realize first that youre not alone, and you dont have to come off so hard all the time. There are people that truly want to help you. Let them. CANCER: Take your time today and dont be in a rush to get things done just for the sake of getting them done. No ones taking a whip to your back today, so tone the pace down a bit and give yourself a moment or two to just simple breathe. Your emotions over all are steady, and youre feeling optimistic, which could be why youre in such a rush today. Just cool down, and take your time. Enjoy each moment, savor it. LEO: There is hidden knowledge that lies just beyond where you stand right now. The best method at this time is just to be silent and wait for everything to unfold in its own time, at its own natural pace. You know what is going on, youve learned your lessons, now its time for others to learn too. You will reap the benefits of all your successes and little victories throughout these trials. Just wait and be patient. VIRGO: Dont be afraid to ask for help today. It doesnt make you any less of a person or make you selfish to admit that there are some things you simply cannot do alone. Work together with people who really and truly want to work with you and assist you in getting things done. Help will come as soon as you allow it to and let go of your pride a bit. No ones perfect, so stop expecting so much of yourself. LIBRA: You may be juggling some emotions today and chewing things over at the back of your mind. Youre trying to find that equilibrium between what your heart wants and what your head knows is more essential at this time. Try to come up with a plan that can easily blend both so you dont have to keep stressing about letting one thing go for another. Ultimately, you know the answer to your inner struggle. Trust it. SCORPIO: Youve set your foundation for greatness today and just want to be able to enjoy the little victories and successes that youve come by along the way. Youre in the mood to kick back and relax with loved ones and friends, and by all means you do deserve it! Things are going to fall into place, take a breather today at some point and let yourself truly believe that. Spend time today with people who truly appreciate you. SAGITTARIUS: Youre going to be sharp and on point today. Ready to tackle any project, endeavor, or work load that is handed to you. People may come to you for help today, and youll be the one to point them in the right direction and lead the way. Just be careful of how you come off when speaking to others today, you may be letting your words slip faster than your mind can process them, and some people may not be ready for what you have to say. CAPRICORN: The boundaries, limitations, and other obstacles before you are only mental ones that youve set up for yourself. You ultimately hold the key to your freedom, and you know it deep down to be true. What is holding you back? Why do you keep putting yourself through a repetitive cycle that captivates and enslaves you? Free your mind, and your soul can lead the way to your true destination. AQUARIUS: Today you may be feeling as though you need a break. Time to think. And you may just feel as though your efforts just arent reaping the amount of reward you deserve. You may be feeling a bit drained, and somewhat frustrated. Dont give up, but DO give your mind a rest and allow your body to relax a bit. No great things were ever achieved over night, and the amount of TLC youre putting into your dreams right now WILL grow to its potential. PISCES: Youre feeling on top of the world today and getting things done. Youve been feeling a bit under appreciated lately and as if nobody is truly taking note of all that you do, but today someone will surprise you! Whether it be through a simply sweet compliment, or a true act of appreciation that makes you feel so much better about yourself. Todays all about you, and youre rising up in the world! Dont give up!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:06:21 +0000

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