Astrology is a very importance subject to me. Not because it tells - TopicsExpress


Astrology is a very importance subject to me. Not because it tells me the future, or tells me what behaviors I should act upon on certain days for certain situations. No, Astrology means a lot to me because it has slowly helped me solve the puzzle of understanding myself, others, and the world around me. I have always struggled with being able to understand people on more than a superficial level. When astrology became more apparent to me, I began to notice coincidences and similarities between peoples behavior and emotions and the connection to their signs. Sometimes its obvious, sometimes, not so much, but usually they are never absolutely wrong, and everyone has some resonance to their signs. My intuition had always been my number one sense, and astrology almost always been very well understood by my intuition. I am a human of both science and of spirit. But I get a lot of flack for my heavy influence of that which science cannot study. Where I cannot use logic and research, my intuition comes into play, and if my intuition tells me something is correct, or if something is amiss, I will listen to that above all else. I see aura, I believe in astrology, I have a profound love of the metaphysical, and my religion is the fractal, the infinite image of our world. Namaste my friends. I love you all. And Merry Christmas, Happy Hannauka, Joyous Noel, and all the rest.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:40:54 +0000

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