At some point in the past 70 years or so our societal morals and - TopicsExpress


At some point in the past 70 years or so our societal morals and beliefs began being warped. At some point it became ok to abstain from personal responsibility. No longer were you the sole responsible party for your financial and personal standings in life. Your time and earning were no longer yours to dispose of or save at your pleasure. At some point charitable compassion became political compulsion. No longer were you looked at as a miser for refusing to help those less fortunate. Instead should you so choose to refuse to pay into the current welfare state you are now a tax evader and a criminal. At some point it became exceptable to consider the time and possessions of someone as not belonging to him should someone else not have enough. No longer are we free people to pursue life and happiness at our leisure. Now we are indentured servants of those who would take our time and belongings to benefit those who did not work to earn them. This strange phenomenon is advancing like a plague throughout our society. No longer are children the parents responsibility to raise and guide. Now they belong to the society as a whole and can be taken and places elsewhere at the will of some faceless bureaucrat. When did we lose our inalienable right to face our accuser? Now a person can make an anonymous complaint to a Department and now your life and family is turned inside out and scrutinized and should these jack booted thugs determine you are not fit for any reason they can remove your children from your custody. Try and fight the system and you will be met by a wall of paperwork shuffled by faceless drones all to afraid yo make a decision lest it cost them their jobs and bring their lives under similar scrutiny. Is this what the founding fathers wanted for a Free People? Is this the best we as free Americans can expect from our elected representatives? Why do act like so many sheep following blindly as instructed in hope of a chance at that greener grass? Why should we not be able as free people to strike out on our own, to choose our own path and dispose of the assets we accumulate along the way as we please? Some say that as a society it is our duty, no, our moral obligation to give to those who have less and to give for the betterment of all. When does the giving stop? When is enough, enough? Society as we see it is a myth. There is no society with out the free choice of a free peoples. Without freedom of choice we are not a free people acting consciously to form a group for the betterment of each other. Instead we are a group of individuals blindly following a destitute government bent on self destruction like so many lemmings. Sorry for the rant but I have been stuck on a bus for several hours and been thinking a lot about this.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 19:46:59 +0000

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