At the dawn of 21st century there was a palpable excitement across - TopicsExpress


At the dawn of 21st century there was a palpable excitement across the world about what the future holds and what new heights the human progress would reach. The young were convinced that human enterprise would reach distant stars in the galaxy within the century. Back home there will be equality, sustainable development and democracy would create welfare states. Poverty and ailments would be eradicated. Alas! The rise of militant religionism has riddled the fabric of human civilization with Kalashnikov bullet holes altering the course of future, instead of to the stars humanity is facing a doomsday scenario. Look at the yesterdays Paris attack. How similar it is to Mumbai attack. But its not an phenomenon in isolation. This militant religionism comes in all colours. Sometimes it is an evangelist republican in USA who wages crusade in iraq and finances missionaries. Sometimes its a mullah murdering the basic principles of islam along with innocent children. Sometimes its a sadhu planting bombs in the middle of a Hindu religious festival. And worse, it feeds on itself. Simply by pointing fingers at the other it justifies its acts. Today at the crossroads of time we need to ask ourselves in which direction we want to go? On the way of the god or on the way of evil which operates in the name of god.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:21:11 +0000

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