At this time the health record of Christians across the world is - TopicsExpress


At this time the health record of Christians across the world is pretty much the same as other peoples in every country Christians are found. This is also true in America. What this means is the national medical authorities cannot see any statistical evidence that Christians are healthier, or sicker, than the general population. Yet the propitiation by Jesus as recorded in Isaiah 53 indicates that physical healing and blessing is part of that Great Work of the New Covenant. This tangible and real blessing is to be accessed in Holy Communion. Notice these secular data show that God is not specifically cursing Christians. Instead the data shows that Christians are not accessing the blessing of Holy Communion for health, prosperity and long, happy lives that God promises. So Christians are living as “mere men” with health the same as other people in their nation, and thus the work of Jesus is not a present advantage for them. You might say, “I thought being a Christian was the best thing you could be, but does it really include your health?” God answers this question in the form of a rebuke, which is also a lament that His will is not being done on the earth. In 1 Cor 11 the Corinthian Christians are admonished and rebuked for the way they take Communion. And the fruits of this error are that: 1 Cor 11:30 “For this cause [not taking Communion properly] many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.” As communion means to share the life of God, the common union of God and man by the work of Jesus, and union with the life that God used to raise Jesus from the dead, something is missing, and God does not like it. He has a better plan, and what they were experiencing is not it. The meaning of “many are” is not about a select group, or a special fraction of the whole of sick Christians, but that a large percentage of the Christian group there are weak, without strength to live and do things of prosperity and blessing in this world, are sickly and many die an early death and/or are dead in heart toward God. 1 Cor 11:30 is explicit and broad reaching. This failure is the only reason these people are in these conditions. Everything else is secondary. This passage does not state or imply that there is a range of reasons why people are in sick-ness, but that this is THE root reason. This is an indictment that this should not be, to their shame. Today, with the worldwide statistical evidence, this condition is rampant among the Body of Christ, planet Earth. Nor does any Christian denomination or sect have any different evidence. So we currently all fall under this same rebuke. Or to put it simply, whatever most Christians are doing with Communion is not working as God intended, and is apparently no better than the Corinthian Christians were doing. Now, I don’t know about you, but if I see that I fit a rebuke written in the Scriptures, then it is time for me to take notice and seek the Lord to fix what needs fixing. So how are you doing with Communion?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:05:00 +0000

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