Atmospheric Experiments hyperbaric chamber picFor some time - TopicsExpress


Atmospheric Experiments hyperbaric chamber picFor some time medical hyperbaric chambers have been used to hasten healing of skin injuries and various other ailments. While many hospitals contain a chamber like the one shown to the left, professional sports teams and celebrities have increasingly been experimenting with sleeping in enhanced oxygen and high pressure. Around the world, evidence is mounting that these chambers can reduce infection (as the skin itself absorbs oxygen), heal diseases, decrease stress, and enhance stamina. Cherry Tomato PlantCherry Tomato PlantParticularly interesting experiments were conducted by the late Dr. Kei Mori of Keio University in Tokyo. Dr. Mori raised plants under special light that filtered out IR and UV radiation. His unique process of fiberoptic sunlight collection and transmission, called “Himawari Sunlighting” (bottom left), is now marketed worldwide. At first Mori feared the filtered light Himawari3would be detrimental. But after extensive experiments he claimed it could promote healing and “because the ultraviolet is blocked, this sunlight does not fade fabrics or damage skin.” (Gilmore, Elaine, “Sunflower over Tokyo,” Popular Science, May 1988, p. 75.) One long-lived tomato plant (shown right) was grown in a special nutrient-rich solution to be exhibited at the Japan Expo ‘85. Under piped sunlight and controlled atmosphere, this tomato tree grew over 30 ft high and yielded more than 13,000 ripe tomatoes during the six months of the Expo! (Hiroshi, Koichibara, “Tomatomation,” UNESCO Courier, March 1987.) Could Mori’s environment of filtered sunlight, enhanced carbon dioxide, and nutrient-rich liquids mirror the conditions on the early earth? 2013 Jonathans Vapor Group Final2013 Jonathans Control Group FinalIn 2012 Genesis Park staff conducted experiments with sunlight filtering in water. Bean plants were grown in two sealed jars with identical soil. One jar was submerged in water within a large clear tub (approximately a half meter deep in the water). A second jar was placed in an identical container with no water (a control group). The bean plants in the control group grew faster than those submerged. But the group submerged in the water bath grew thicker stems, more foliage, and appeared healthier. The experiment had to be curtailed after a couple of weeks because the plants grew to the top of the jar. The procedure was repeated multiple times with similar results. Dan Carlson sonic bloom kit Dan Carlson was inspired by Genesis 2:6 (“But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground…”) to do experiments with “misting” plants. He also incorporated the music of birds with certain oscillating frequencies that open the plants’ stomata (shown above right under a scanning electron microscope). While these pores are open, the leaves are sprayed with a plant nutrient enzyme. The results are amazing. A purple passion plant, which normally grows to about 18 inches, grew under Carlson’s care to a Guinness World Record 1,300 ft high plant. Carlson grew 10 inch long potatoes and cantaloupes the size of soccer balls. His system was dubbed “Sonic Bloom.” This patented process was used to treat apple orchards in Wisconsin. In a state averaging 290 bushels/acre, the mist and song bird music helped trees yield over 500 bushels/acre and the fruit has a shelf life of five months instead of the normal 30 days. Cucumbers, soybeans, cabbages, tomatoes, cauliflower, mangoes, and even redwood trees have been greatly impacted by this revolutionary agricultural system. (“Sonic Bloom,” Creation Illustrated, Vol. 7 No. 2, 2000, pp. 24-31.) Whittier Pumpkin1 Whittier Pumpkin2Genesis Park staff worked with a local “big pumpkin” grower to test the Sonic Bloom formula. The result was a 1,458 pound pumpkin that was the world’s record as of its weighing in September, 2003! Dan Carlson’s methodology appears to confirm the superiority of the original hydrological cycle present on the early earth. Indeed the straightforward trusting and following of God’s inspired book works every time it is tried.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 21:07:21 +0000

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