Attention Putin Trolls: Let it be clear which side is composed of - TopicsExpress


Attention Putin Trolls: Let it be clear which side is composed of fascists. One side is arresting journalists and shooting political figures, the other is not. One side is trying to allow for elections, the other is not. Let it also be clear that the sides here are not the same as the sides over Yanukovych. Both supporters and opponents of Yanukovych are overwhelmingly on the side of a united Ukraine. The separatists are fascist thugs representing a minority and an external powers agenda. Obama bashers and Putin apologists still peddle false narratives with words like putsch, Neo-Nazis, junta and coup for partisan gain. Heres an excellent summary of the Constitutional conundrum parliament faced after Yanukovych pulled a runner. They were face with recognizing his conduct as constructive resignation. With Russian media referring to it as coup-appointed, Ukraine’s government has failed to convince many of its citizens of its right to be in office. Although its constitutional foundations are not rock-solid, every effort was made to embed them in strong parliamentary foundations. On February 21st, as part of a deal with then president Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraines parliament voted to reinstate amendments to the constitution, which had been made in 2004 and cancelled in 2010. These shifted the power to nominate most of the cabinet from the president to the parliament. Mr Yanukovych did not sign this resolution, and fled. There were no constitutional provisions for this: Mr Yanukovych was neither dead nor sick, and he had not been impeached. It was in these unprecedented circumstances that Ukraines parliament passed, on February 22nd, resolution 757-VII: On self-withdrawal of the President of Ukraine from performing his constitutional duties and setting early elections of the President of Ukraine. Of the parliaments 449 members, 328 voted in favour and none against. Subsequent resolutions, all passed with huge majorities, established that the speaker of parliament would become acting president, and Oleksandr Turchynov was voted into that role. economist/blogs/easternapproaches/2... There was no revolutionary seizure of power, coup or putsch. Yanukovych left an institutional power vacuum the same people in power before he left filled with another office holder. Not by the book, but in keeping with Rule of Law and the spirit of the Constitution. Hardly the stuff of coups or juntas, though it makes good Agitprop for Putin.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 18:14:01 +0000

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