Attention friends and fellow Christians ARE YOU BORN AGAIN? - TopicsExpress


Attention friends and fellow Christians ARE YOU BORN AGAIN? Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3:3, 7 ESV) We live in a cultured Christianity where being born again has came to mean the act of praying a prayer asking Jesus into your heart and then continuing on as nothing happened. I suggest the problem in our churches of today isnt that we need new programs, different songs, more discipleship, or seeker friendly talks, but that we need to return to a bold stance and preaching of the Gospel and the power of Christ alone to save sinners from the looming wrath of God Almighty. It time to stop forcing goats to be sheep. The real reason why our baptism doesnt ever match the number of new members is because people are not being born again under How life now garbage. It time that we as true blood bought born again believers stand up and demand our pastors to teach and preach the power of Salvation through Christ alone by faith alone. Listen friends till we return to the sufficiency of Scripture and the biblical understanding of the doctrine of regeneration we will only see false conversions and churchs full of people on the road to hell. May God break our hearts for the lost that we would do everything to preach the true gospel to them. It is time that we stop lying to people and declaring them born again because of the sinners prayer and proclaim Jesus crucified and raised from the dead so that God may use the preaching of cross to regenerate a sinners heart to forsake all and follow Christ. I pray for my pastor friends that you may boldly return to the ways of old that have proven themselves worthy of a move of God.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:41:52 +0000

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