Attitude of Gratitude Challenge: Day 6 – I decided to read - TopicsExpress


Attitude of Gratitude Challenge: Day 6 – I decided to read Romans 8 this morning. Love him or hate him, the Apostle Paul was a man who knew how to cut to the chase. He doesnt mince words, he doesnt waste words – there is so much packed into just this one chapter of just one of Paul’s letters that one could develop a years’ worth of gratitudes from it. Here are three: 1) Grateful for no condemnation (Romans 8:1). As a Christian, I have no problem accepting the fact of my imbedded and pervasive sin. Although our culture, along with our own deceitful desires, wills us to believe that the concept of sin is either anachronistic or a tool for controlling the masses, an honest appraisal of your heart and conscience leaves no room for doubt on this. None of us is righteous, no one is perfect – we all want to be our own god. BUT GOD (the most amazing pair of words in Scripture) answered the problem with full justice and full mercy. Jesus’ willing and more-than-adequate sacrifice renders us not merely forgiven, but now, spiritually alive, fully embraced and 2) Grateful for adoption (Romans 8:14-17). What!?! As if forgiveness was, somehow, not glorious enough, we’re ushered into the throne room as children of the King, as inheritors of all of the riches of the Kingdom, as brothers and sisters of the firstborn Son! We can barely conceive of the significance and value of this truth (2 Corinthians 2:9). But the Spirit of God gives us the power to live it out (Romans 8:26-28) and to be 3) Grateful for permanent security (Romans 8:37-39). As my friend Mike Sweckersays (in his “transobliteration” of the Bible): “What can separate us from the love of God? Nothing, nothing and nothing – and nothing.” This is a love that sees us “through the lens of Jesus” (thank you Vince Miller for that description), sees us, by the will of God, not as who we are, but as who we ARE, forever. A Love Supreme. Finally, want to see something amazing (especially if you’re a jazz lover)? Have a look at this: https://youtube/watch?v=BmbWRZfOgwc. Thank you, Jesus, for the clarity of your truth, wherever it’s found!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 11:42:21 +0000

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