Aubrey is slowly yet surely getting over her sinus infection. - TopicsExpress


Aubrey is slowly yet surely getting over her sinus infection. We can definitely see a difference in her energy level. She wears out very easily and takes lots and lots of breaks. Nights are very very rough. Shes been waking up after going to sleep crying again. This goes on all night. Last night it was a little over four hours of cry/scream then settle down and fall back asleep just to wake up 15-20 minutes later to start the cycle again. Needless to say neither of us got much sleep. She finally fell asleep around 4:20 am just to wake up crying/screaming at 6:00 am then finally up for the day at 7:30. Due to her insomnia she didnt fall asleep until 10:30/11:00 pm and that has been her normal all week. Shes actually still awake as I write this. She has at least been taking more than her usual 10-15 minute naps during the day. Shell sleep for at least an hour. That extra 45 minutes sure is a blessing to both of us!! This week well meet with her new sleep specialist to get a second opinion on her crazy sleep patterns. Well also go next week to see her Chiari specialist in Austin. I hope hell have some answers for us as well. The good news is that an unseasonably cool front came through and its been cool enough for Aubrey to go outside! Shes had so much fun! She walked around outside in our cul-de-sac, rode in the wagon, rode in the power wheels police car, colored with sidewalk chalk, crawled around on the trampoline, went on the slide, went on the swing, and loved on our dog all this weekend! She loved every minute of it. She walks up to the doors and tries to reach the door knob to go out. She loves being outside so much, so were praying the cooler weather stays!! Hope everyone had a fun weekend!!!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:01:34 +0000

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