August 2 - Time Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 12:23-14:17 / - TopicsExpress


August 2 - Time Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 12:23-14:17 / Romans 15:14-33 / Psalm 90:1-10 Our society is concerned about time. Many people have more than one watch and if they don’t have one, they use their cell phone to keep track of time. Automobile dashboards, bank signs, radio stations, microwaves and stovetops are a few of the many resources we use to remind us of time. An alarm clock wakes us in the morning, a clock governs our work or school day and “its time for bed,” concludes our evening. Time is important…God created the sun and moon to establish and govern time. The eternal God created heaven, earth and time… “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2) Man views time differently than God does. We measure time through the eyes of our lifetime, God measures time with eternity. This difference is captured here in Psalm 90, “For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” (vs.4) What seems lengthy to man is just a vapor to God. A thousand years in our earthly experience is but a day in the eternal. A few years ago, this verse took on a new perspective for me. My father died in 1997 and a few years later, God brought this verse to my attention. I was thinking about how long my father had died when God reminded me it wasn’t as long for my father who was in heaven. When you look at the mathematics in this verse, one year in heaven is equivalent to roughly one minute and twenty seconds on earth. As of today, my father passed away 16 years ago but it has only been 21 minutes and 20 seconds in heaven! We live in the temporal and lose sight of God’s eternal purpose and plan. Even Methuselah’s 969 years was just a day or a watch in the night (3 hours) for God. Our 70 or more years are small compared to the timetable of God… 1 hr. 22 min. God has an eternal plan for our lives; we are to live every moment in the light of His presence and purpose. Remember…His timetable is eternal!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 04:53:18 +0000

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