August 24, 2014 Rocket Science Belonging to Yahveh Back when - TopicsExpress


August 24, 2014 Rocket Science Belonging to Yahveh Back when we started learning through Matthew, we started with Jesus favorite preacher of all time, John the Baptizer. And part of looking at John, was looking at Matthew chapter 11. So, I wont go over that part of chapter 11 again, but well start trying to glean Who God is, and what His path looks like, starting from Chapter 11, verse 15. And after Ive talked for a little bit, Id like to hear from you about what has impacted you as we have been thinking through Matthew. It doesnt have to be anything new. It might be that you were reminded of some things that you havent thought about for a long time ~ it might be that you were drawn back to your first love ~ and remembered something very ancient. But its an encouragement to all of us “One Anothers” when we hear from one another ~ that Gods growing on our thinking. With all thats wrong in the world, and all the bad news ~ its great to hear good things from each other ~ God-ward things from each other. Regular kind of humans denominate the news... but Id like to hear from some New Kind of Humans ~ some being transformed by the renewing of their minds, humans. And by the way ~ blessed are all of you, who are not tripped up by what Jesus taught.(Chapter 11, verse 6) Verse 15... “Whoever has an ear that will hear, let him hear.” I hope we wont stumble over Jesus teachings ~ and I hope that we have ears to hear what Hes saying. Verse 20... “Then Jesus began to rebuke those cities where his many, mighty, works had happened and they didnt repent. And He said, “Woe to you Korazin. Woe to you Bathsaida. For if the powerful works that happened in you, had happened in Tyre and Sidon ~ No doubt ~ they would have repented in sackcloth and ashes. But I say to you ~ that in the day of judgment ~ it will be tranquil for Tyre and Sidon, rather than for you.” Do you think that Jesus loves all people unconditionally? You can have that belief, and run with it ~ but if youre going to believe what Jesus said to us, you might have to modify your understanding of how that all works out. Im not suggesting that Jesus didnt love the faithless, unbelieving, unrepentant people of Korizin and Bathsaida, while they were yet sinners (Romans 5:8). But I am suggesting that if you want to take Jesus seriously, you have to adapt your ideas of “love” and “conditions” and “consequences” to fit with what Jesus thought of “love” and “conditions” and “consequences”. And this isnt a trivial, non-consequential part of Jesus teaching ~ Hed just emphasized this teaching to those who would represent Him, as His spokesmen ~ now Hes making the same emphasis to the crowds that were gathering around Him. And after this scene, Jesus would continue to beat this drum in other settings. Apparently theres something here that Jesus really wants us to understand. Verse 23... “And you, Capernaum ~ you who were exalted unto heaven ~ you will descend into Sheol {place of the dead}. For if the powerful works that were done in you, had been done in Sodom ~ it would have remained until today. But I say to you ~ that in the day of judgment ~ that it will be tranquil for Sodom, rather than for you.” Jesus thought the people of Capernaum committed worse sin than the sin Sodom committed. And lets understand something else here... “Sheol” and “hell arent synonymous. Sheol is the place of the dead ~ the grave. Sheol is where the righteous and unrighteous go. Jesus didnt say they were going to “hell”. If your translation says that, its an unfortunate translation. Capernaum became a ghost town less than 40 years after Jesus said this. They got wiped out by the Romans. Capernaum became a place of the dead ~ became a graveyard. They were judged for their non-repentance, and God carried out the judgment through the Romans. They brought this judgment down on themselves. Jesus had said that there would be a day of judgment for everyone of those individuals who refused to repent. He said that they had every advantage ~ those who heard and saw what Jesus said and did ~ and they still didnt repent ~ and they were going to pay for their unrepentance and unbelief. If this fits your idea of “Unconditional love” then I dont have a problem with that kind of “Unconditional love.” Verse 25... “At that time, Jesus said, “I thank You My Father ~ Master of heaven and earth ~ that You have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent, and You have revealed them to babies. Yes ~ My Father ~ for it was desirable to You.” Last Sonday Kate Craig said, in a conversation we were having in Sonday School, “Its not rocket science”. She was speaking of being a Christian. Jesus might have said the same thing to this crowd, except they wouldnt have gotten the reference to “Rocket”. So He said something closer to, “Its childs play, its so simple.” If you need an eight year theological education in order to understand Christianity ~ you still dont understand being a Christian, little children can get it. Jesus went to Korizin, Bathsaida and Capernaum, and told them that the Government of God was right there at their finger tips. That sounded good to them because they were under the Roman government, and didnt like it. Both the sadducees and the pharisees, were teaching people ~ from Scripture ~ that the reason they werent an independent nation, was because they had offended God by not keeping His covenant, with Him. Therefore, if they kept the rules, God would be pleased and He would throw out the Romans Himself and they would have their independent Jewish kingdom back at last. The sadducees taught ~ just keep the written law that Moses wrote, and youll get your government back. The pharisees taught ~ keep the written law and all the rules that weve established as a “Hedge around Gods laws” and youll get your government back. And then, along comes Jesus and He said, Repent! Repent of the wrong that you do and think ~ and really love God, and really love your fellow man ~ and you will enter the Government of God right now ~ regardless of the Romans. God Himself will be enthroned in your life, and youll enter a whole new life ~ a new identity ~ a new citizenship ~ a whole new reality. And the people of Korizin, Bathsaida and Capernaum, said “Whatever...” 30 years later, many of these same people led the revolt against Rome and were crushed. Never repenting of the wrong in their lives ~ and never submitting to the real government of God ~ they never got the government they were longing for ~ and had to stand in the judgment and take the consequences of having not believed what Jesus said to them. “Everything has been given to Me ~ by My Father ~ and no man knows the Son except the Father. Also, no man knows the Father except the Son, and he to whom the Son wants to reveal Him. Come unto Me ~ all of you who are tired and are forced to bear burdens ~ and I will give you rest. Take My yoke {the pharisees taught that there were two yokes that the Jews had to bear before God would give them their government back ~ the yoke of the Torah and the yoke of their “Hedge around the Torah”} on you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and meek . In My heart you will find satisfaction for your souls. For My yoke is pleasant, and My burden is light.” Come under My government and it will go well with you ~ its pleasant and light ~ with no bitter aftertaste ~ no heavy consequences. Gods government gives a person rest and satisfaction for their souls. Are any of you striving under a government that leaves you with a bitter aftertaste of your decisions ~ with a heavy load of difficult consequences ~ with a lack of rest and satisfaction? Believe what Jesus says to you ~ put yourself under His government ~ its near ~ its at your fingertips. This isnt rocket science. Take the yoke of the government of God. To repent and take the yoke of the government of God is the first step through the gate and onto Gods path. If youve never taken this first step through this gate, youre not on Gods path. And if youre not on Gods path ~ I hope that, at least, youre not deceived about it ~ that youre not living under a false sense of security. Repent, the government of heaven is at hand. What do you have to say about God and Gods path as presented in Matthew?
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:40:08 +0000

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