August 28th 2015 will see the 20th anniversary of the famous alien - TopicsExpress


August 28th 2015 will see the 20th anniversary of the famous alien autopsy footage being shown on channel 4 and in various other countries around the world. This is a conversation i recently had with Spyros Melaris about his claims that he was responsible for faking the alien autopsy footage with the help of a few others. I am of the opinion he is lying having spent time looking at the various facts,conflicting accounts and the footage itself.Even if you disagree there is a whole bunch of stuff that simply doesnt add up! (See the first of my 6 points further down) By referring to his book that is coming out in July he was pretty much giving me the brush off.That he has yet to present irrefutable evidence in the last 5 years means i wont be holding my breath! The truth is truly still out there! CW is me and Spyros SM December 18th, 8.23pm CW:Hi Spyros,i am looking into the enigmatic case of the alien autopsy and have a question if ok to ask? Colin December 18th, 10:33pm SM:Fire away :) Spyros December 19th, 8:34am CW:What can you tell me about the sign used in the autopsy room? December 19th, 4:06pm SM:Anything you like. Do you have a particular question. I made it using clip art from Corel DRAW! I saw similar wording in examples on the net and made the sign up. It was printed on an Epson Printer. There has been criticism that the date such signs were used was after 1947. It was very near the time and because the wording wasnt standard as used later there was a possibility that this could be one of the first used of this type. Suffice to say, there was enough ambiguity to allow it to slip as possible. If you have anything that proves its fake, Id love to hear it as I am currently in a discussion with a number of researchers who still maintain the film is real Speak soon Spiz CW:Well Im open minded! Can you clear up what the writing says below? (photo is of the danger sign seen in the autopsy room that has unreadable writing below it and possibly a date) Saturday 11:09am Saturday 2:08pm SM:Im not sure if you are aware, but Ive written a book on the subject and I answer a lot of questions which have been raised over the years. The sign is one of those. Im apprehensive to publish this too early as you can appreciate. Its only a plagiarised term which is used in top secret locations. The book is published in July. Sunday 3:44am CW:That would make no sense! Why would not saying what the words are be a problem? Surely that would give you some credibility? If anything it arouses a huge suspicion that your not privy to that info until you can check with a third party? Forgive my skepticism but none of the evidence presented so far adds up.I am more intrigued in the cover up than if its an alien in some ways! Why would so much money be spent on concealing the truth of the matter to make it appear a hoax? My thoughts are that Santilli and Shoefield got involved in something that was far bigger than they imagined but accepted a big pay day to change their story.(namely the ant and dec film) They were also probably put under pressure by a faction using the official secrets act or national security as a gagging order,the problem for them of course was that the cat was out of the bag and it was now about damage limitation.This would explain why Santilli could never release the other autopsy or provide further footage he may have. The big flaws can be clearly seen in the Eamonn investigates TV documentary.The conspirators come across as a bunch of idiots who are so clearly lying that I wonder why more time was not afforded to building their story! Quite how it is that the creature (Humpreys model in the ant and dec movie) and the props (laughably shown in the boot of their car in the documentary) dont even match the original footage has yet to be explained! Of course you coming out with your account adds another protective layer around the story where it would seem you are in dispute with Santilli.The 2 minutes of real footage (supposedly from the original autopsy) that is claimed is spliced into the film and your belief in a real Roswell further muddies the water.By injecting many strands a muddle up is presented where by only serious researchers will still question things while the general public are left scratching their heads and returning to Eastenders! That you directed the documentary Roswell-the investigation continues is another red flag as is your connection to the magic circle whom I believe have some dubious associates.Your ex girlfriend has also conveniently disappeared! Philip Mantle unfriended me as I was asking similar questions,one must ask how he can be a serious researcher if he refuses to listen to questions raised by other researchers? All it took in my opinion was for you to convince him,and being that he is actually very skeptical of aliens and UFOs it wasnt too difficult! One more thing.If the 2nd autopsy proves that this is a hoax why wont you release it? There is only one reason that this footage fooled so many people and that was because it was real! You may wonder why I am so adamant in my views but being as your a magician you probably realise Im keeping some cards hidden! (Just like you!) SM:Colin. Consider the facts please. NO real film has ever been made available to anyone. IF there were real elements in my film, then why o why were they never tested for authenticity? It doesnt really matter what you think in reality, because nothing will change the truth. If you dont know the facts, then your speculations only serve to distance you from the truth. The second Autopsy was the one we released. The First one was not good enough. I DIDNT release the first one. Santilli stupidly showed it to a select few people in private. Santilli is an idiot and his stories served to not only conflict with any previous stories, but the lie upon lie only served to create more and more lies. I filmed EVERY frame in the AA. I edited the pices from the reels I shot. I have never seen real footage, I did not edit real frames into my fake footage, and if Santilli says there are real frames in the footage then please ask him to identify the clips which are supposedly real, and also to provide the name of the editor who supposedly spliced these real frames in. He does not have these simple answers because they didnt happen. My girlfriend has not vanished. She is a high profile member of a political party in the UK and from the outset she told me she would help me with the research but did not want to be names. I honoured that promise. And lastly, The stuff you are wanting to know and a lot more insider information and very graphic details are in my book. I do not want to put this info into the public domain before publication. You can understand that cant you? Suffice to say, a lot of rubbish has be banded about by Santilli and a couple other so called researchers and the truth is if you apply common sense and a widely used concept in law which is will see that everything points to a 100% fake. The Men in black didnt have a single thing to say about it. The Ant and Dec film is a work of fiction loosely based on a couple of actual real life events. The Ant and Dec film should have been called The Gary and Ray show. It was farcical. I have come to realise that no matter what evidence one presents it will never be enough for some. And thats fine by me. My book will cover a lot more detail about the inside and stuff that went on behind the scenes. A lot of previously unheard and unseen detail. If the conspiracy theory is the one you like, then live with that, it doesnt actually change anything. CW:That would seem to contradict what you said here,lol SPYROS We actually kept original footage in the film we used. ADRIAN Did you? SPYROS Oh yeah. In the twenty-two minute film we released there are elements of the film that are real. ADRIAN What? SPYROS Within there, oh yeah. It’s beautiful. I mean it matched beautifully. Because the film was going up and down in degradation it would get dark, light ADRIAN You could do that without it being a problem. SPYROS It didn’t… it wasn’t a problem. Sunday 4:10pm SM:That interview was all PART of the hoax Colin. In fact, the interviewer knew very well that I was just towing the company line, I actually said exactly that on tape but they edited quite a bit out. Sington is a close friend of Santilli, and the reason I did the deal for that interview was that I was going to release my book and not co author with anyone else. Not Santilli or Shoefield or Humphreys. After that interview which was designed to pre sell the Ant and Dec Movie, they cut me out of the deal completely. It was just a ruse to add another layer of deceit. You cannot rely on that interview. Its a recording of a fictional play!! There has never been a single piece of genuine AA film made available for testing ever. Not before The Men in Black got wind of it (lol) not after. Thats your biggest bone of contention I feel. Ask why?! Monday 4:10pm CW:Well it wasnt my biggest bone of contention but it was the most obvious one to reply to you with as it contradicted what you said! So your selective in when your speaking truth and when you arent,convenient. If you admit to lying once are you any better than Santilli? As I said before this argument with Ray is but a parlour trick in my eyes.An act or an illusion,something you would be most familiar with.Was there anything in that interview that was true then? Because if there is I have major issues with pretty much all of it! The problem for you is you have no proof you made the film. (transcript at bottom) alienautopsy-yes/spyros_transcript_with_a_sington_may_2006.html In answer to some of your questions,Im not too bothered about ageing the film as i am more concerned with the actual footage itself.The reason it was never dated was Santilli was not allowed to,simple as that! He was got at but hey he got a nice pay day.You say your girlfriend is a high profile member of a political party as if that is some mark of credibility.Heres some things for you to chew on. 1. Why not release the 1st autopsy? What have you got to lose? You claim you shot it so what are you scared of? 2. Where are all the photos and film from behind the scenes? Strange eh? Also what happened to all the props and evidence? 3. Are you seriously suggesting the items from the back of the boot of that car in Eamonn investigates are from the original footage? 4. Why when clearly a bigger budget was available for the ant and dec film does Humphreys model look nothing like the superior version made supposedly over 10 years before? 5. Why even have a danger sign,telephone in the room etc when it would be easier not to.Why create a pot bellied alien with six fingers when there was nothing in popular culture for Humphreys to base it on? 6. If there was no original footage that the hoax was based on how come at least 4 or 5 witnesses claim to have seen similar footage of the same beings? 7. Isnt it more likely you came along with your version of the story after their scripted story had become an embarrassing mess.The dispute is staged to give a greater credibility to an overall hoax.A necessary second layer to the cake and classic Intel disinformation. 8. Are you aware the debunking of the autopsy footage followed the exact same strategy used to discredit the crop circle phenomena in the early 90s? 9. What about my claims of the magic circle being connected to dubious people and intelligence agencies.Look too at the likes of other magicians/illusionists namely James Randi,Derren Brown and Penn and Teller who have spent their career debunking all aspects of the paranormal. 10. On that note any thoughts on the stagecraft behind 911? SM:All of your questions are valid IF you dont know the finer details. I cover all of your observations in my book in detail. I hear what you are saying about my credibility, and thats fair enough, but I did create a hoax, and by default an element of deceit comes with the territory. Santilli wasnt ready to come clean as he wanted more money. Like it or not, our two conflicting stories have fuelled the speculation. My book will answer a lot of the questions but will certainly not satisfy everyone. There are die hard fanatics who will hold on to the romance. I have no axe to grind now. I can only tell it how it is, and that will be that. My book will be published in July 2015. Wishing you a great new year. CW:Its a shame you refuse to answer the above questions as i would at least have some respect for you.This way it seems you have something to hide and are more interested in a money spinning book.But I foresee the UFO cover up coming to an end soon and we will wonder why we ever played these strange games.Its true that many people have much to lose but time marches on and the past has a habit of revealing its secrets.May you be at peace with yourself. SM:Please understand that these are lengthy answers, they need evidence and I havent time to answer in detail to everyone who asks. The issue to me isnt that important. Life is hard. I have taken nearly 4 years to write the book to put a lid on this. If you think I am hiding something, so be it. The reality is this. I have a choice. I have answered all your questions and a whole lot more in my book. If you dont want to buy it, thats ok. I will not get rich from it I assure you. The interest in the subject might stretch to 200 people. Not worth the effort!! I am at peace with myself, I know the truth . This was only ever supposed to be a short lived joke. We had no idea so many would take it so seriously. Oh well, we live and learn Monday 6:20pm CW:Oh I will probably buy it just to get the official story.Its just that if one proves your lying it will deserve a book in itself! The lengths and money spent to maintain a cover up cannot be underestimated in this subject.People have been killed to maintain secrecy,the stakes are high.Like I say its not the first time this has happened either.The interest in crop circles was quelled by Doug and Dave claiming to have made them. Vast cover ups and conspiracies do exist.For example the current child abuse scandal by politicians and members of the elite and even claims of satanic abuse.All Im saying is once you tell a lie you cant go back.Also you will be found out.Telling the truth is easy as you never have to remember fabricated details.People choose their company,some are born into it.You make your bed and you lie in it! SM:Humble words. The irony is I am an honourable guy. Ive made mistakes in the first to admit it, but when you read my full account you will at least see that this whole sorry mess was just a few wide boys having a giggle. I hear what you say and yet can tell you believe in the whole subject and that is if course you right. I find it very hard to understand how not so many years ago, sightings of UFOS and indeed video and photos were quite regular. Fast forward to an age where nearly EVERYONE has a mobile phone with camera and video and there are LESS if any?! Pictures or videos of UFOS?!? Can u explain that? CW:Well I would dispute that,there are many sightings every day around the world and some are filmed.Of course there are hoaxes too but after many years studying the subject I am quite confident that there is a reality to the phenomena.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 22:45:00 +0000

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