Autism & Essential Oils: This is the personal experience of a - TopicsExpress


Autism & Essential Oils: This is the personal experience of a woman whose child was diagnosed as autistic. Please note that every child is different, but this could be a guideline for any parent dealing with autism. Many thanks to Susan Richardson for sharing her experience and to Vicki Opfer for re-posting it so more of us could read it. This is shared from Frances Fuller. Shes a Young Living Royal Crown Diamond. Note: Susan Richardson says, about autism, Every child is different, but a good foundation is : Valor, Brain Power, Vetiver, Rutavala and Ningxia Red. Beyond that please work with your sponsor to find what will work best for you and your child. From Susan Richardson: February is 3 years since we started using Young Living essential oils with the girls... this morning I was going through some old notes.... I am in tears.. here are some excerpts: DAY 5: It has been a total of 5 days using this oil called brain power. In this short time, I have noticed not only better attention span and cognition, but her expressive and receptive language seems to have shifted! We thought we were imagining it, until her teacher AND her speech therapist said something to me. Yesterday her teacher pointed out that she sequenced the numbers 1-20 for the first time, printed words free-hand and was more articulate. TODAY her speech therapist noted something seemed to have clicked since last week. This may all be a big coincidence.... but maybe not. I am optimistic that something profound is occurring here. DAY 6: Sahara has been in a social skills class for 1 1/2 years as part of her autism therapy. Routinely the therapist(s) tells me at the end of class, She did great! This is usually followed up with a statement like, We just need to get her to [start interacting more] , [start using more words] or [sit and participate in circle-time]. Well, today was different! The therapist said, She is doing so wonderful; she participated in circle-time, sang the songs, socialized with the other children AND used expanded speech today. I had to ask, Is this new? Oh, yes, Definitely! Merely 6 days on YL Brain Power essential oil and we are getting feedback from all of her therapists and teacher! Oh!! And I forgot her Grandmother too!! DAY 10: I am certain something is happening on the cellular level... but how do I prove it? I cant... so I just sit back, observe and document... MONTH 6: The results we have seen in just 6 months with this one oil is miraculous!! Almost immediately we saw changes in her receptive and expressive speech. What is more amazing is that she is now attempting to converse with us. Cognition is flourishing too... Not only she has learned her alphabet, but she can verbalize each letter phonically and print capital and lower case. She can follow simple 1-3 step directions for most activities (if she is in the mood ~ LOL!!). AND she is more aware of her environment and what is occurring around her... including what is happening to others. Yes, that means empathy is emerging too!! She is more present!! ----------------------- 3 years later: She is doing everything the diagnosing psychologist at age 4 told us she would never do. She is having meaningful relationships (she has friends and a boy friend), she is talking (she doesnt shut up), she will have gainful employment (she wants to be a mom, astronaut and teacher), etc........ thank you Young Living for helping us prove that woman wrong. If youre not already a Young Living member, we have a group within the Oily Gurus team who would be thrilled to mentor you. Message us if you want to create an account with Young Living and join our/their private support groups. We offer daily, personal mentoring in these groups.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 15:32:13 +0000

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