Awareness is niralambaya. NOT dependent upon anything. - TopicsExpress


Awareness is niralambaya. NOT dependent upon anything. Self-Existent. Self-Illumined. Self-Revealed. Awareness is somewhat space-like and also totally different. Awareness is sentient. Space is an object of awareness. Awareness is not an object, ever, in any way. Awareness is aware. Space is not aware. Space can be measured. Awareness is like space only in that it can be empty and is not affected by things seeming to pass through it. Awareness has no size. It cannot be pictured or imagined. One can only know Awareness by being that. It is what you are. There is no form that is anything like Awareness. Awareness is the most remarkable thing in all experience. Without it there could be no appearances. It is unborn. Being prior to time, it does not arise. It is. Being more subtle than time or objects, nothing can touch it nor have any effect on it. There is nothing about it that can change in any way whatsoever. Awareness is svaprakasha, Self-Illumined. Nothing can shine a light on it. Nothing can elucidate it. It absolutely cannot be known at all in any way except by being that. It exists whether any appearances arise within it or not. It is. Sat Chit. Awareness Exists. Alone. One. There is nothing else. Awareness is Infinite. Finite appearances arise and disappear back into it. Only Awareness endures. I am That. You are That.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 05:35:17 +0000

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