Awesomeness! ! Mini Movie If our Founding Fathers wanted us to - TopicsExpress


Awesomeness! ! Mini Movie If our Founding Fathers wanted us to care about the rest of the world, they wouldnt have declared their independence from it. I mean come on MR EAGLE you gotta agree. I know its your big night and youre a bigger star than me but come on Eagle! ! Hahaha...Look at all these people here to see you , not me you ! An Eagle ..hahaha. .Wow .We anyway this should be an interestingly great time . I wonder of any Priest birds are coming ? If so we better hide the Alter birds ..hahaha. .I know , I know that wasnt funny .Seriously though , If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesnt help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or weve got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just dont want to do it...But whatever ...its WONDERFUL EAGLE Pistachio night !!! So lets have a ball!! ...I arrive just on time as Steve Colbert just finished his hilarious monolog.The was glamorous and i was excitingly anticipating watching MR Wonderfully Wintergreen pistachio pecking eagle mascot/snackscot -mutely ingest Mr Colbert ingenious rhetorical monologs and precise comedic dialogue, periodically pausing , digesting devoured chops and beak carved , late night , husk scarfed munching .Full jaws of Wonderful Pistacia Vera fuel - ignite feathered wings of sky kings - instinctually propelling NY hunger pangs to visualized Central Asian sustenance , circling twelve thousand , one hundred, and four mile radius landscapes ,culminating daily round trip nut attained endeavors. Audience cheers and draft room writer conniptions -frazzle our bird brained friend , shaking his perched foundation to the core after every boisterous applause or stood up bravo .Wonderful Succulent pistachios ease the unease via panicked producers bird catering instruction. Corporate cargo jets soaring Itineraries, prioritize safe guarding Eagle nest, flown in indestructible fist class fur padded carriers containing faux velvet eagle thrones of royally ascended perches Envious Wild game geese jealously squawk , waddling down discovery channels studio b stairs , despondent at Mr Eagles success, while thawed penguins smirk , sliding down sister station national geographic hallways .Rockin Robins hover on the outskirts of Tonight show glamour, window shopping via miraged animalistic stardom apertures .Midair tumbling falcons fabulously feign notoriety for aerodynamic awesomeness and exquisite aerial aesthetics .Laugh tracks subconsciously sadden somber blue Bluejays , flushed in fires desire reddish green envy , flying south for life to escape the angst .Haughty hawks protrude tender breast of enamored esteem in an picturesque aeronautic prancing . Animal societys international auditions- accumulate hand pecked tickets - alloting atmospheric entries into frequent flying lotteries - rewarding Aves achievements with sunny destinations.and lifetime buckets of Wonderful Pistachios.:Black sheep blackberry black blackbirds , grandstand in gravity defying talon ceiling grasp of reclusive antisocial inferiority. Signs of Woodpecker danger warnings sway under studio ks weather tattered awning , requiring tree dagger applied nose gauze wraps for admittance- precluding unnecessary injury . Pigeons are accosted and ruthlessly bullied back to city street coups by viciously vicarious vultures . Crazy crows cockily enter star studied air space , flapping for airy pole position , squaring off in dog fight contortions of defensive toil . Troops of Cherry winged cardinals salute Wonderful Mr Eagle , bearing gifts of Powerful name sake pistachios .Wonderful wonderful wonderful are whistled by white collared orioles in a scintillating showcased spectacle of choreographed aeronautic reverence. Conscientious canaries commend peacock esteem eminence , serenading every elegant stride with blares of bellowing admiration. Powder puff colored ducks quacks - quake floors of standing room only to studio.exec offices .. Pistachio popping parrots mimic late show intern karoake mouth movements in an amazing display of cloned m.elodic impression .The stealthy liquid ebony colored Ravens arrive , ominously levitating within gothic lore omens of clandestine creepiness. The majority of the Wonderful Pistachio aviator zoo list was in attendance , awaiting three other fantastic fowl invitees for the nut celebratory extravaganza. Swooping Crispy air Seagulls swipe , grab and release a WONDERFUL PISTACHIO billboard banner, dropped atop Mr Eagles wintergreen cage , protecting stashes of scrumptious pistachio morsels. Sparrows and owls simultaneously appear , one asking whose who? The other setting EYES on the prized Wonderful pistachios. All seventeen guest have arrived , jump kicking Mr Eagles Wonderful pistachio Midnight special presentation. Wildlife theatrics serve as the entertainment performance before christening Wonderful Pistachios as the Animal Kingdom taste bud king ..Tumbling Golden bears balance - volley , basket , tennis , and baseballs , on their water bowl wet nostrils , occasionally roaring for a Wonderful Pistachio. Packets of pistachios are thrown on stage , assuring energetic exhibitions of enraptured fervor and diligent honoring of Mr Eagles exclusive representation of the greatest snack known to bird . Texas grill rack stripped tigers- tenaciously tip toe sky high tightropes -WIllingly falling, extending agile hine legs in a high rise acrobatic accurate landing. Daredevil dogs paw roman candles and M-80s in a fearless firecracker friction juggling .. Special guest stars cat & mouse trumpeter and drummer duo Tom and Jerry set the crowd off as the Cow Bell Ringers back up singers throttle the house with raucous moos , while baritone Moose mouths provides the thunderous base... Miss Piggy escorted by Kermit the Frog tip toed in through the fire escape door to stay below the radar due to her and Kermits extreme fame ..Miss Piggy was abdicating THE WONDERFUL PISTACHIO THRONE to MR EAGLE after serving her four year reign of being the Queen Pig of Pistachios . Mr Peanut the Planters CEO spotted Miss Piggy approaching her with a pen and contract in hand desperately begging for her to join his peanut gang , as she kindly rebuffed him , chanting WONDERFUL WONDERFUL PISTACHIOS are king and they make my mouth sing, as she and Kermit walk through the green door of studio six , taking a seat in the last row behind FOG HORN LEG HORN the famous rooster and TWEETY BIRD the antagonistic canarie. The excitement was amazing . The studios breathless ambience was hypnotizing, absorbed in wondrously beautiful variations of animal kingdom dignitaries in the name of the WONDERFUL Pistachio. CBS Studio vendors hand out assortments of fruit flavor infused pistachios samples, along with packets of chocolate sauce for dipping , while the competitions mascots ; BLUE DIAMOND Panda and EMERALD Crocodile searched for a place to sit and jealously jeer . The Hostess for the star studded event was was the intelligent and splendidly beautiful Miss Trailmix 2014 , flanked by Christoher Knight and Wee Man, two former WONDERFUL spokesmen , signing snack packs for Mr DORITO Dalmatian, the Onion Ring Orangutan, Pop corn cat and Cheeze it Kangaroo . Richard Simmons and Dr Oz conducted a mini worshop before the event , so everyone in attendance knew that the naturally beige nut was extremely healthy . The Winkelvoss served Pistachio cantaloupe smoothies and Pistachio Walnut brownies , while Emeril passed out slices of Pistachio fruit cake . :Philadelphia Eagles head coach Chip Kelly surprisingly was not only in attendance, but presenting Mr Eagle with the Birds of a Feather Award and Mr Colbert with a Team autographed jersey and Official NFL football signed by the team.. All of the top honchos from the medical field were in attendance , including Mariell Jessup, the President of the American Heart association and Gary .M Reedy, Chairman of the board of the American Cancer Society. The lights were dimmed . As Kool and the Gangs celebration fades out in the background. Mr Colbert asked for everyone to stand up after gracefully concluding a Wonderful monolog. He began to list Wonderful facts about Mr Eagle and all Eagles alike ..He chuckled at the fact that the Eagles favorite food were pistachios and the fact that he had a Wonderful Pistachio initial ring on one of his talons and was given a lifetime supply of Wonderful Pistachios. . Mr Colbert praised Mr Eagles beauty and cracked a few jokes about him having more rings than his namesake football team. Mr Colbert explained that when he was a child and in the cub scouts he nursed an Eagle back to health after finding it hurt in the woods during a hiking trip .. Ever since that day he felt an affinity toward birds and Eagles in particular were his favorite. He told the raucous crowd that his pride was beyond great , but basically indescribabe. Mr Colbert then introduced Animal Planet producer and host Jeff Corwin to the stage, who placed a golden Pastacio shaped crown on Mr Eagles head. The attendees went ballistic , throwing WONDERFUL Pistachios in the air , some catching with their mouths , some storing to take home .Mr Corwin asked everyone to simmer down because he has a special surprise for everyone .Smoke and popping firecrackers littered the studio as The Steve Miller Band entered stage ..Mr Eagles fans were in a frenzy and Mr Eagle himself flapped his wings to The Steve Miller Bands Fly Like An Eagle classic hit song. ..The band finished their set and CBS was bubbling with excitement. . National Audubon Society chief David Yarnold , and American Birding Association president Jeffrey A.Gordon were taking turns taking pictures with Mr Eagle , both holding containers of Wonderful pistachios. There was a single file line to see and pay respect to Mr Colbert the King of Late Night, and the new King of snacks Mr Eagle. Falcons to Pheasants lined the aisle .. The Caramello Chimpanzee ,. Chocolate Oreo Chicken...Frito lay Ferret , Bon Bon Baboon and the Pettridge Farm Pelican made up the five team all star ushers who did their best to maintain order .The frequent miles lottery was about to be drawn .There were 17 species of birds that entered the raffle. Honorary lotto judges. Clifford Rabbit Johnson. ,.. Chairman of the Board, International Conservation Caucus Foundation.. Wayne Reynolds . , Chief Executive Officer, African Wildlife Foundation...his brother. Brandon Reynolds .., Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of Global Government Relations, eBay Inc. Jan Drapiewski, Distinguished Visiting Lecturer of Law, Stanford Law School Gary Sims.., President and Chief Executive Officer, World Wildlife Fund Dante Clark.. President and Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Conservation Society Randolph Cheeks. ., Former Chief of the Environmental Crimes Section, Department of Justice. There would be five winers drawn from the Smithsonian stored Teddy Roosevelt Top hat donated in honor of Wonderful Mr Eagle and his scrumptious Pistachios. The first name drawn was .. . Woodstock....He couldnt attend but Snoopy accepted on his behalf.. The second winner called was .. ..Daffy Duck he obnoxiously accepts with a smile on his face. The third winner was Donald Duck...He clicked his heels all the way upstairs begging Mr Eagle for some Pistachios. The fourth winner was Toucan Sam.. Who carried a big can of Wonderful Pistachios threw them out in the crowd. The final winner of the lottery miles sweepstakes sponsored by Wonderful Pistachios was the Road Runner who had three Tger bodyguards ariybd him just in case Willy Coyote shows up. as as MSG security wouldnt allow him to enter the building for fear of possible murderous antics . There were three consolation spots bringing it t eight out of seventeen birds would have a chance to win The first consolation winner was Huey Duck..Daffys nephew. .The second consolidation prize is went to Louie also Daffys nephew .The last winner was Dewey Duck! Another nephew of Dafftv. There was a echoing of boos angry at the fact that the brothers was selected as winners . Something felt strange about all three brothers winning along with their uncle ..The Judges discussed their options for about five minutes delivering a verdict of disqualification due to the uncertainty of them AL winning .. One more name picked and thatll be it The hat was shaken furiously making sure there would be a fair chance for everyone to be called.. Egg Head junior the famous baby chick is picked and is ecstatic. ..The winners were escorted back to their seats. The festivities were winding down.There were a few more acts and shouts outs from Mr Eagles close friends to come.The Five Stork Soul Singers were about to serenade Mr EAGLE with their rendition of JUNGLE LOVE . I, Ive been watching you I think I wanna know ya (know ya) Said I, Im dangerous Girl, Id love to show ya (show ya) [Chorus] My jungle love, yeah (oh we oh we oh) I think I wanna know ya (know ya) Jungle love (oh we oh we oh) Girl, Id love to show ya (show ya) You, youve got a pretty car I think I want to drive it (drive it) I aint playin said I, drive a little dangerous Take you to my crib, rip you off (huh) [Backup Signers] Jungle love Look out! [Chorus] Oh (oh we oh we oh) I think I wanna know ya (know ya) Oh, Jungle love, yeah (oh we oh we oh) Girl, Id love to show ya (show ya) [Spoken] Come on baby, wheres your guts? You wanna make love or what? (oh we oh we oh) I, want to take you to my cage Lock you up and hide the key (oh we oh we oh) You, only get water, babe Cause if youre hungry, take a bite of me (oh we oh we oh) [Chorus] Oh, jungle love, yes (oh we oh we oh) Mmmm Think I wanna know ya (know ya) Hey, jungle love, mmmmm (oh we oh we oh) mmmmm Girl, Id love to show ya (show ya) Yeah, yeah, yeah, jungle love, uh (oh we oh we oh) I think I wanna know ya (know ya) Jungle Love (oh we oh we oh) Girl I, I think I Think I wanna file my nails [Call Out] Hey Jesse! N-N-Now Jerome! Yes! (oh we oh we oh) Check it out! (oh we oh we oh) (oh we oh we oh) [Keyboard Solo] (oh we oh we oh) Brrrrrrrr! (oh we oh we oh) [Chorus] Jungle love, yeah (oh we oh we oh) I think I wanna know ya (know ya) Ohhhh, jungle love, yes (oh we oh we oh) Mmmm, girl, Id love to show ya (show ya) Uh-eh, now jungle love!!!!. The crowd was going bonkers!!! Chants of WONDERFUL WONDEFUL PISTACHIO were deafening .. The Storks were brought water by Mini Mouse , as they were obviously star struck, dropping the cups as soon as they were given. . Mini laughs while Mickeys turns red a few seats in back of where shes sitting. The Storks were about to perform another song, special rendition of the CIRCLE OF LIFE originally performed and written by their friend The Lion King The music started and the beautiful lyrics followed... Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father] Sithi ..uhm ingonyama [Oh yes, its a lion] Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba [Were going to conquer] Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw enamabala [A lion and a leopard come to this open place] [Chant repeats] From the day we arrive on the planet And blinking, step into the sun Theres more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done Theres far too much to take in here More to find than can ever be found But the sun rolling high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round Its the Circle of Life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the Circle The Circle of Life Its the Circle of Life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the Circle The Circle of Life ...There was complete silence until Mr Eagle let loose a bellowing flight call , summoning swarms of rose grasping Bare Eye Cockatoos, raining the burgundy petals on top of the Soul Storks in appreciation. The Black SWAN Breakdancers were up next... Cosmic Cat was on the turntable with rap Superstar Whimsical Whale . The Black Swan dancers were introduced by Whimsical entering the stage pop locking , windmilling , doing hand stands to Whimsicals hot lyrics and Cosmic Cats vicious baselines. .He asked everyone to throw their Wings ; hands , hoofs ; paws in the air ! Say ho! Ho !:say Ho!!:Ho!:Somebody , anybody scream! Agghhh!! Everyone was dancing. Even the famous talking horse MR ED did the Charleston with Bugs Bunny . The Skunk Pepe Le Pew was asked to leave by Sam the Sheepdog and Sylvester the Cat because of his horrendous body odor . The music was awesome .Cosmic ended his set with a three minute mix of the EAGLES greatest hits , before introducing Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Bernie Leadon, and Randy Meisne in the flesh they tuned their voices and instruments before rocking the house with their top ten hit Take It Easy . A fifty foot projector showed clips of Mr Eagle soaring in his home habitat of Kashgar in Central Asia where the Pistachio is abundant. Mr Mike clemmons a twenty five year Eagle football fan read a letter written from Eagle Nest . Com blogger Jimmy Santor, giving a synopsis of Mr Eagles credentials. He began to read .. Mr Eagle Is a legendary bird in his home country and was chosen to represent Wonderful Pistachios in that same light , that same royal ancestry , remarkable grace and unrelenting power are only two of the ingredients of WONDERFUL Pistachios . The highest standards and keystone ideals must be exhibited in an nsatiable desire for exemplary progress for the perfect Pistachio. As an Eagle fan I know what pride looks like and feels like .When I look at you Mr Eagle I feel glory in my heart .When I eat my WONDERFUL Pistachios during the game I know that the power of the WONDERFUL Eagle is behind us .I conclude this letter by presenting you with a Philadelphia Eagle hat and a portrait of you Mr Eagle drawn by Stan Lee. It was so loud with cheers that it sounded as if a rocket had landed in the studio. He removed Mr Eagles crown and placed the Philadelphia Eagles hat on his head . Mr Eagle flew up to the ceiling and did a three sixty loop twirl back in to his seat in utter joy ..Mr Colbert was about to conclude the show, but first had one more monolog to do .OK My beautiful Aves , Lovely people and Extraordinary beast .I humbly thank you for coming out tonight to Honor a great champion of snacking and will sure make us proud every time we eat a WONDERFUL Pistachio. Mr Eagle you are a fantastic bird and am proud to call you my friend ..They say dogs are mans best friend .I must disagree. In my opinion an Eagle is mans best friend , and a symbol of freedom and strength..So thank you everyone for coming because , you know, Ive been running this show, four nights a week, for... five nights now...and Im getting “out of shape ....Look I’ll cut to the chase everybody, I need to borrow $15,000. It’s not gambling money this time okay, it’s for an investment. Okay here it is, it’s an invention. It looks like a pen, but it actually holds two AAA batteries. It’s the perfect thing for the next time you need batteries … or a pen. Actually scratch that, the pen doesn’t work. It just looks like a pen.If anybody needs me, I’ll be in the car [grabs wine bottle]. Oh and here’s a bird I cooked for you [flips the bird]. Hey, hey, you like that? Who wants seconds? [flips the other bird] You like that? Is that tasty?...Good night people ...The crowd rises and each person gives MR EAGLE their respect and acknowledgment..Gifts bags of WONDERFUL pistachios were handed to each person as they left the CBS be cont..Ant
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 03:09:23 +0000

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