BADMINTON SECRETS MINI-COURSE 3 Four Things A Top Badminton - TopicsExpress


BADMINTON SECRETS MINI-COURSE 3 Four Things A Top Badminton Player MUST Do 1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. The first and foremost trait that you must learn to develop if you want to reach the top in badminton is to take responsibility. By that I mean accept the fact that whatever happens from today onwards in your badminton career is DOWN to you. I dont want to sound like a nagging coach/teacher/captain etc, because as you know, Im here to help you, not tell you what to do!! So I will say this - losers always have an excellent reason why they never made it to the top. Let me repeat that: LOSERS ALWAYS HAVE AN EXCELLENT REASON WHY THEY NEVER MADE IT TO THE TOP! Ask any player who never quite reached their potential in badminton, and they will be able to tell you precisely and accurately why they didnt. And it will be so convincing that you will buy into their thinking, and even (and this is the dangerous bit), file it away as a possible excuse if you dont make it. Many players approach to the game is try their very hardest to do well. They come up against a few setbacks but decide to soldier on, because they cant give up straight away. Then comes the big injury, or the new boy or girlfriend. Or they have to work longer hours at work, or school. Or they didnt get on with so and so, or they never had this chance, or that chance, or werent picked for this team, or so and so didnt like them and never gave them a chance. This is all RUBBISH!! The reason they didnt go as far as they hoped to was because they didnt take responsibility for the specific results in their own badminton game. Once you decide that you want to achieve something in the game, you have to take the responsibility for achieving it. Its no good saying you want to beat your rival and then sitting back and expecting it to happen. That is REACTIVE thinking - letting the world come to you. Many people are like that and are perfectly happy dealing with whatever the world throws at them. But they are not champions - they are not the players who go on and achieve all that they desire in the game, winning day after day. These people are PROACTIVE thinkers, and that is what you need to be to get anywhere in badminton. What sort of person is a PROACTIVE thinker? Someone who doesnt wait to be asked to play for a team, but goes to the captain and expresses their interest. Someone who knows their serve needs work, and spends time trying to improve it instead of hoping that it will eventually get better. Someone who has a major setback in the sport, but who comes back from it stronger and more determined, instead of using it as an easy excuse to quit. Someone who admits when they make a mistake and learns from it. Someone like you.....
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:15:26 +0000

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