BAM!!!!! Dear Loved Girl, Look. Really really look at what you - TopicsExpress


BAM!!!!! Dear Loved Girl, Look. Really really look at what you are expecting of yourself. You are an incredible girl. You are amazing and strong and brilliant. But friend, you are also a human being. You cannot do it all. You cannot always hold everything together perfectly, and you cannot be perfectly composed every single day. Its okay to have off days. Its okay to feel weak and overwhelmed and have meltdowns once in awhile. Its okay. YOU are okay. Everything is going to be okay. It is. Let yourself be a perfectly imperfect human being. Let yourself feel what you need to feel and process your life the way you need to process it. Let yourself BE in all your beautifully imperfect human-ness. And give everyone else the same grace. Bad days will pass, overwhelm will dissolve, and the sun will come up again tomorrow morning, just like it does every day. And tomorrow you will learn to do a little better than you did today. Or maybe youll backslide a little. After all, you are human, arent you? It doesnt hurt to give your sweet self a break once in a while. You are very very very very loved.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 12:37:58 +0000

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