BAPTIST FASTING & PRAYER NETWORK 2014 DAY 2: March 18 THE - TopicsExpress


BAPTIST FASTING & PRAYER NETWORK 2014 DAY 2: March 18 THE PASSOVER EXPERIENCE: RENEWAL THROUGH CONVICTION, CONVERSION AND DELIVERANCE This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord--a lasting ordinance.” Exodus 12:14 (NIV) Positive Case Study: The Passover for Israel (Exodus 12:1-17) Negative Case Study: Egypt’s Tragic Passover of the Angel of Death (Exodus 12:29-30) Today, we shall be praying that as NBC (and Nigeria) celebrates her centenary year, we shall experience Exodus from slavery to liberty, poverty to abundance. There will be massive conviction, conversion and deliverance in our families, churches and sessions. The Passover celebration was the hallmark of breakthrough for the Israelites. Their story changed and they entered into the liberty of the sovereign God. However, the proud and godless Pharaoh and the Egyptians passed over from life to death that same night. Their idols and pride could not save them from the angels of judgment and death. Brethren, we must pray for Nigeria and the NBC fervently today. As we prepare for elections, centenary celebrations, etc., the angel of death must not prevail over the land. We need to plead with God not to judge us according to our stubbornness and idolatry like that of Pharaoh. We must plead for the intervention of the blood of Jesus. It was the blood of the lamb that made the difference for Israel (Exodus 12:23). We have a superior blood of Jesus in our favour now. Let us plead the blood of Jesus passionately and pray that this centenary will not be unto death as it was for Egypt but it will be unto life for us as it was for Israel. PRAYER POINTS 1. Worship God for the power in the blood of Jesus. 2. Ask God to activate the power of His blood afresh over Nigeria and NBC. 3. Pray that God will rebuke the outstretched hand of the angel of death ravaging the Northern churches. 4. Pray that the blood will enable us to Passover from sin to sainthood through the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. 5. Pray that new converts will be well discipled unto maturity and will not eventually perish in the wilderness after the centenary celebrations. 6. Pray that the centenary will mark a conversion and Passover unto greater height for the NBC. 7. Pray that there will be massive conviction of the Holy Spirit upon Nigerians. 8. PRAYER FOR THE PRESIDENT AND THE NBC LEADERSHIP TEAM: Pray that God will lead them to strategically and truthfully appraise the NBC and be open to renewal of the Holy Spirit. Pray for grace for the Vice Presidents. Pray for Revd Gold Anie, Mr Marcus Audu and Revd Moses Adebayo. Pray that God will give them wisdom to perform their roles in the 101st Convention- in-Session. Pray for their wives and children. TODAY’S PROMISE: RENEWAL OF OUR BEING SATISFIED BY GOD: “Who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.” Psalms 103:5 (NIV)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:16:04 +0000

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