*BARACK OBAMA AND THE ZOMBIE THREATEN TO RESIGN FROM BOOK. A PARTIAL SHUTDOWN OF CONTROVERSIAL NOVELLA MAY BE IMMINENT.* The threatened walkout by a couple of the leading characters in the #satirical novella “The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama” is the latest of the controversies that have followed the comic brainchild of Christopher Antony Meade since its publication. Two of the principal protagonists in the story are understood to be very displeased at the way their characters have been portrayed and their storylines developed by the Irish satirist. Julian Faversham, (the zombie) is understood to be pulling off his fingers, in rage at being drawn as a talented musician, instead of the lumbering monstrosity roles he usually plays in #zombiebooks. He is also very aggrieved at being expected to ravage politicians. “How can one survive, if one is required to dine on the brains of Presidents and Prime Ministers and their like? They have not got a teaspoon of grey matter between them. If I stay in this wretched #ebook, I will starve” the rotting reprobate said. #BarackObama is also thinking strongly of abandoning his chapters in the #book. The assertion that his wife snores is the cause of his ire. The author is understood to not be too worried about the possible departure of the United States president. His residency in the #WhiteHouse has not had any real positive effects on the condition of his country and the world. If he marches out of the book, it’s doubtful if it will diminish it too much either. This book seems to continue to upset, almost as much as it amuses. Why is this the case? Read it before it becomes “The Nothing, the Cat, and Nothing Nothing”. Check out the #reviews and download it at United States. (Amazon) amazon/The-Zombie-Barack-Obama-ebook/dp/B009CYBTC8/ref=sr_1_13?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1377460481&sr=1-13&keywords=queen+elizabeth+ii United Kingdom. (Amazon.co.uk) amazon.co.uk/The-Zombie-Barack-Obama-ebook/dp/B009CYBTC8/ref=sr_1_5?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1379941271&sr=1-5&keywords=barack+obama Also available from all other #Amazon sites. Kindle Prime members can download it free.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:04:42 +0000

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