BASKETS OF WISDOM The past few days I have been carrying a - TopicsExpress


BASKETS OF WISDOM The past few days I have been carrying a massive sense and urgency in my heart for the people of God to be asking the Lord for wisdom. James 1:5 has been burning on my heart and my prayer has been for the Lord to grant me wisdom in all that I do. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. I have had a sense on my heart that there is such an abundance being released now, such an increase, and such a harvest that there is a responsibility upon the people of God to steward this increase and harvest well. No matter at which part of the season you are at, waiting for the release or in the release, it is happening now, and His wisdom is needed as our constant companion. Wisdom in the waiting and wisdom in the release. I saw many of the people of God carrying HUGE baskets and these baskets were overflowing with the most glorious, glory-filled fruit I have ever seen. The colours were so vibrant and as I looked at the fruit I knew that these ones had been in the presence of Jesus. This overflowing fruit was a result of delighting in Him, obedience to Him and faithfully stewarding that which He had given them. Looking closer at the baskets that the people of God were holding were all labelled differently. Some held baskets of overflowing revelation, some of overflowing finances, some of overflowing wisdom, some of overflowing discernment, some of overflowing sight, some of overflowing creativity. Yet these baskets were getting heavier and heavier and the people of God were finding it harder and harder to carry these baskets. It is then when my eyes focused and I saw Jesus standing in the middle of His people with a huge knowing smile on His face. He outstretched His arms in a way to convey to the people of God without words RELEASE. Before the people of God I saw the earth. The increase that the Lord was now releasing was not for the people of God to hold onto for themselves. It was to GIVE away. In these baskets was some of the greatest creativity, wisdom, revelation, finance, abundance and increase the world has ever seen come from the Church. I saw nations on the earth that were in darkness and waiting to be unlocked by the glorious love of God, to be awakened to their destiny and shine. The people of God began to walk to Jesus with James 1:5 on their lips. We need wisdom, we ask for wisdom. With a twinkle of excitement and joy in His eyes I saw Jesus lean over into their ears and whisper. The people of God then began to go into all the earth and spread this fruit wherever they went. As the fruit was released, the fruit suddenly turned into keys, and these keys began to unlock and break the darkness in many lives and nations and the Glory and knowledge of God was bursting into all corners of the earth. (Habakkuk 2:14) The greatest KEY for the people of God in this vision was to continually be positioned to ask for wisdom. For His wisdom, for His wisdom is going to unlock the hearts of people and the nations as His love is demonstrated. The more and more the people of God gave away, it began to rain from heaven. More and more and more and more fruit. Their baskets were never empty. The abundance continued in great overflow and momentum leading to one of the greatest revivals the world has ever seen. The fruit being released to BRING IN the harvest. This glorious heavenly fruit being released, the Lord was using to WOO the earth by His love into the Kingdom. Taste and See that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8), as this fruit was released in His wisdom, the Lord was tasting of the Lord and His love in ways they never imagined. Surprised and brought to tears by His goodness. People of God, no matter what the Lord has put in your hands, do NOT underestimate it. Do not underestimate the giftings He has given you and blessed you with, no matter how big or insignificant they may feel. The world needs EVERY person in the Kingdom to use what they have been given WELL. The reason I believe every person in the vision I had, had different labelled baskets was because this cannot be done alone and is not meant to be done alone. We are a body and we are all working TOGETHER to usher in His Kingdom and release His goodness and love upon this earth. I believe the Spirit of God is asking us to steward what He has given us WELL and to continue to ask Him for wisdom on how to continue to give and bless others in your day to day life because you could hold the key of heavenly breakthrough for those you come in contact with. It is time to step up to the line and be proactive with His sight and eyes to see others, and listening to Him and His wisdom of how to bless others and release His Kingdom in our every day life. As we work together as the body of Christ we are on the brink of one of the greatest breakthrough in the Church we have seen. Moving forward together as ONE body in LOVE and ONE purpose to extend His Kingdom and goodness into the earth and bring in the harvest. There is such an increase in wisdom being released now for those who are asking, MAJOR shifts in culture will take place. There is such an urgency in the Spirit for stewarding this release well. To be crowned with the wisdom of God that will usher in revival that will be LONG lasting. Be positioned to receive His wisdom, for He is gladly releasing it and it is becoming manifest.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:13:04 +0000

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