BE AUTHENTIC, ETHICAL and LIVE IN INTEGRITY - WITH OTHERS AND WITH YOURSELF. Let me start out by saying this: Just Be YOU. Be who you are. Be for real. Let People see WHO You Are and WHAT You Stand For. Walk your talk. Show up. Give it all youve got and Leave it all on the stage as the saying goes. Be vulnerable - but not prey. Act and Be Authentic and in Integrity - Always. - Gary A. Ferraro We are ALL brothers and sisters and ALL travelers and participants on this long, amazing journey we call LIFE - through our mother earth and a through a universe that is vast - that is ALWAYS changing - and that never sits still. When you think about it all it truly is amazing and leaves me speechless and spellbound. It is a journey filled with Opportunity and Danger. Love and Hate. Wealth and Poverty. Happiness and Struggle. Pleasure and Pain. Peace and War. Health and Disease. All of it is around us every day. Sometimes we feel Pain. Sometimes we are Happy. Sometimes we have Success. Sometimes we have Failure. It’s all part of the journey. On that journey, each one of us has the free will to choose our direction and our actions. That is where the importance of balanced greater good style ethics and personal integrity steps into play and becomes so important. Each of us is responsible for all of our own actions and all of our own outcomes. Our own effort and actions are the engines that drive our development and our life. They can also deeply impact on others as well either in a positive way or a hurtful, damaging way. Ethics and integrity are very much a mindset. And as you know, your mindset determines your dream life. The laws of nature and the laws of the earth as well as the universe are rational, presiding over it all, and can be understood and mastered in time. Our personal ethics and integrity will deeply affect that journey and the final outcomes. All actions have reactions and each of us is responsible for all that we do. Being born human is a fantastic opportunity because we have the enormous creative power of our intention and free will. We are our own masters. We create our own fate - our own heaven and our own hell. We create (or destroy) by the use of our intention and free will. Our human mind is always creating. Our mental environment is our own responsibility, whether you call it behavior, psychology or anything else. Our mind is the key to it all. Like it or not, ready or not, our mind is always creating and affecting our inner and outer world and ultimately ourselves - affecting our present and our future. If we use our mind wisely, with love, respect, encouragement, compassion and good intentions for ourselves and for other living beings, its tremendous power can bring more joy, success, freedom, peace, happiness and prosperity into our lives than we can possibly use up. To do this we need to understand and master how our mind works and how our intentions, free will and actions affect our internal and external worlds. By practicing and mastering all of this, we can design our lives so that we cause no harm to ourselves or our world, thus creating inner and outer world harmony. This of course, as humans, is a MONUMENTAL TASK. BILLIONS of people and ZILLIONS of events all interacting at the same time with different values, beliefs, will and intentions? Seems like a task that is just too big for us all to deal with. BUT by paying attention to, staying mindful of, dedicating ourselves to and bravely examining and practicing the art and science of being human we can grow in wisdom, happiness and peace. In short we can achieve our Ultimate Freedom and if you will your own NIRVANA. Your own DREAM LIFE. So the overriding focus and objective is and should be excellence, achieved through constant dedication and pursuit of self improvement while acting with good intensions and responsible use of our free will. First and foremost, there should be a belief in, and a desire to have and find it absolutely imperative to have a culture that strives for and achieves excellence such that it results in superb and constantly improving outcomes in all respects - both for yourself and for others. To achieve that excellence we must dedicate ourselves to it relentlessly. Truth, and more precisely, ones accuracy in being truly open and ready to receiving and understanding truth and reality, is essential. Unobstructed, full (and sometimes radical) openness, though it can be uncomfortable often, is essential in getting at truth and then communicating that truth to those who are affected by the facts and circumstances around it. Truth, ethics and integrity thus serves as the foundation for excellence, and openness and often bluntness and directness helps to assure the truth. That truth may not always be what you want to hear but I believe it will be what you need to hear so that we can achieve the excellence we strive for and the results and rewards that go along with it. If you live your life with strong ethics, integrity, positive intensions and positive empowering use of your actions and free will, financial prosperity will flow to you creating the abundance and dream life you desire and deserve. TO LEARN HOW YOU CAN GET WIRED FOR WEALTH GO TO: facebook/wiredforwealth wired-for-wealth TO HELP YOU ON YOUR DREAMLIFE JOURNEY... GET THE FREE NEW 2014 EDITION OF THE E-BOOK SELF EMPOWERMENT WEALTH STRATEGIES (Tm). SELF EMPOWERMENT WEALTH STRATEGIES (Tm) is our FREE gift to you and to the world! TO GET IT FREE CLICK HERE Help Us Spread Hope, Inspiration and Transformation Around the World by Sharing the Wealth and Sending SELF EMPOWERMENT WEALTH STRATEGIES (Tm) and WIRED FOR WEALTH (Tm) To Your Family, Friends and Colleagues. You can also contact us via email at info@wired-for-wealth and request SELF EMPOWERMENT WEALTH STRATEGIES (Tm). PS: You are also cordially invited to Join us at Whyred and Inspyred (Tm) Master Mind Group and Wired for Wealth to get the cutting edge tools, strategies and resources you need for investing success. Find out more by going to: https://facebook/groups/652315071494072/ Transform and Master Your Mind and you will Transform and Master Your Finances and this will Transform and Master Your Life.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:25:48 +0000

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