BEAUTIFUL HEARTS REALITY ZONE! HOW A LESS-AMBITIOUS MAN CAN ACHIEVE HARMONY WITH A HIGHLY AMBITIOUS WOMAN. By Life Coach Solomon Adams. What can a Less-Ambitious Man Do? Praise and Encourage Her -- If you can appreciate the excitement and zeal that your wife brings to your life, if you can give her praise, encouragement, and understanding for all she does then you are giving your wife the deepest craving of her heart. Let her know that you appreciate her! 1. Be Positive -- Negativity weighs on these women. They carry an immense burden of stress, generally trying to juggle the hats of motherhood, career, homemaker, and wife. Be positive and supportive. Dont be like one womans husband who she felt, belittled her for minor set backs and ignored her during major victories. 2. Be a Sounding Board -- Because highly motivated women are full of ideas and often very talkative, you will reap great rewards in being her sounding board. She doesnt need you to solve her problems; she needs you to lend your ear. 3. Lighten Her Load -- Because highly motivated women tend to over-extend themselves and take on more than they can handle, a man who is supportive and helpful around the house or in financial matters is a great asset. A willingness to chip in without expecting a pat on the back every time will go a long way in this marriage. My own husband lightens my load by running errands for my business, doing the grocery shopping, and helping with the little ones in the evenings. 4. Be A Man -- Although these women may enjoy being the decision-maker, they still like it when their husband is decisive and bears some of the responsibilities. As one high-achieving women explained, Secretly I want him to take care of me for a change. They want a man they can count on when times get tough. 5. You may not be able to be that man financially, but there are other ways you can bear some of the responsibilities. You can do things like help her with the children, give her a back rub when shes up late working on the computer, or take the initiative to make plans for a weekend getaway. Sweep her off her feet every now and then. What both partners can do to achieve harmony and happiness What can both of you do to increase your marital happiness? 1. Take Time to do Things Together -- Take vacations together. Go away for a romantic weekend alone at least once or twice a year. Establish a regular date night so you can stay connected. 2. Take Time to Learn About Each Other -- Learn about each others interests and build common interests together. This will mean compromise on both partners parts. 3. Accept Each Other for Your Strengths and Your Different Energy Levels -- Dont try to change each other. Learn that you each have your strengths and that you can find balance in each other. 4. Ignore Outside Influences -- Many people still view this relationship type as non-traditional. Some will even secretly envy your happiness. Dont listen to what others say, stay focused on each other. And, do not discuss your partner with others. Protect the sanctity of your marriage by respecting your partner in public. 5. Adjust Your Behavior and Attitude -- If your marriage is having problems, but it hasnt deteriorated too much, simply adjusting your behavior and attitude according to these guidelines can work wonders. 6. Get a Life Coach -- Ive learned in my own experience that even one person making these changes can show dramatic results. I found that I was the one who had to make adjustments in my thinking. One thing that has helped me tremendously this year is working with a life coach. A life coach can help you streamline your business goals, manage your time more wisely and make time for having a life. 7. Utilize Coaching Services -- Id highly recommend the coaching services available at FocusedLives­. This would make an excellent gift for yourself or for you men to give your highly ambitious wives. 8. Take Action -- Recognize if your marriage is in serious trouble and dont be afraid to seek appropriate counseling. Counseling does not lead to divorce; its a sign that you both want to invest in your marriage. My Beautiful hearts, Whatever you do, do something today to start working on your marriage. And continue to work on it throughout your life. No marriage is easy, but this marriage combination, with a little creativity and devotion, can yield wonderful rewards. For more Real talks, Relationship advice, Words of wisdom, Prayers & Encouragement like My Beautiful Hearts Page, My Beautiful Hearts Lounge & Solserve Fact Zone! ☑. Like ☐. Comment . Share to help all your friends out there. ▄▄_ (●_●) ╚═► Love Dr Sols
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:46:24 +0000

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