BEFORE YOU CAN LOVE YOURSELF YOU HAVE TO KNOW YOURSELF; HENCE LOVE IS SECONDARY, MEDITATION IS PRIMARY Question - Beloved Osho, What does it mean to Love Myself? Osho - Prem Kabir, one has to begin not by loving oneself, because you dont know who you are. Who are you going to love? If you start by loving yourself, you will love only your ego, which is not your self, which is your false personality. Almost everybody loves his personality; everybody loves his ego. Even the ugliest woman, if you say to her, How beautiful you are, will not refuse to accept it. Yes, I would like you to love yourself, because unless you love yourself you cannot love anybody else. You dont know what love is if you have not loved yourself. But before you can love yourself you have to know yourself; hence love is secondary, meditation is primary. And the miracle is, if you meditate and slowly, slowly get out of the ego and out of your personality and realize your real self, love will come on its own. You dont have to do anything, it is a spontaneous flowering. But it blossoms only in a certain climate, and that climate I call meditation. In the climate of silence -- no-mind, no disturbance inside, absolute clarity, peace and silence -- suddenly, you will see thousands of flowers have opened within you, and their fragrance is love. -Osho-
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 18:08:51 +0000

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