BEFORE you LeBron-Pube Klingons start raising hell after you read - TopicsExpress


BEFORE you LeBron-Pube Klingons start raising hell after you read my post, I submit this: Yes Miami will most likely close out Game 6 at home. Yes LeBron will probably have a monster triple double game in a (keyword) BLOWOUT victory. Yes even more people will then latch on to a spare LePube and dangle from it. And YES, yall will once again preach the greatness of the world renowned Best Player on the Planet. Yall will sit there and say see, I told you hes the best. But what defines the best? Is the best really the one with the best stats? Or can the best be someone like say - hmmm - Robert Horry who NEVER EVER in his entire career, ran away from the Big escence, the shot that matters. Every so often in a Superstar athletes career, moments present themselves. To borrow a cliche: These are the Moments where Stars are born and Legends are made. These moments dont happen every night so when a moment presents itself, the Superstar gravitates toward it. The Superstar knows that they practiced that moment over and over and over again as a mere toddler on the playground with friends, and then vowed that one day they would make the pros just so they can feel what that moment is like, Win or Lose, and they run TOWARDS it. They would then take that moment and rub that moment gently about their nips, lather em up real nice and bathe all in THAT moment, all while Lance Stephenson tenderly blows the sweet scent of sellout breath ever so softly in their ear. They would bask in the glory of that moment. But yesterday happened... Again - Allow me to offer that there is no comparison of a stat padded blowout victory as compared to a clutch nail-biting victory, so when LeLoser gets his triple double on Friday and leads his team to the Finals once again, I fully expect each and everyone of you LeRoaches to come crawling out your LeButtCracks all over again. Why? Because every last one yall has absolutely nothing to say today - so yall will wait until the moment benefits YOU. Now that I have already addressed what youre gonna do AFTER the Heat close the series out, I can now officially make my point: Here you have 12 seconds to erase every bit of funk off from the previous 47 minutes 48 seconds to show everyone just who your are - what your name is - why youre the best 12 seconds remaining and the Best Player on the Planet has the rock. The Best Player on the Planet who as we ALL know, canNOT be stopped if he doesnt want to be stopped. The Best Player on the Planet dribbles - he drives - the world holding their breathe because they KNOW the Best Player on the Planet is now gonna show the world why he indeed is the Best Player on the Planet - but wait - wha??? Whats going on? The Best Player on the Planet dishes to Bosh??? But Bosh is not really open!!! What the? Shot Fired - EPIC FAIL The great ones take that shot - the truly great ones accept full responsibility if they miss that shot - the spectacularly great ones would never let a moment like that become a what if I took that shot instead of dishing off debate. Jordan and/or Kobe - true assassins of the game - would have recognized the situation and went up to Fogel like look - this is isnt fair - I think you better put your entire roster on the floor right now - hell, you better put their parents and grandparents on the floor too - Fogel stares blankly at Jordan or Kobe with that why? look. Jordan and/or Kobe answer with because I need to know just how many people its gonna take for me to NOT take this last shot... I close with this...Melo would have taken that shot
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 18:44:38 +0000

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