BEING SINGLE IS AWESUM ;) KYU BHAI #JHONNY AT LEAST WE R HAPPILY ENJOYING OUR LIFE AND R MUCH BETTER THEN UR AASHIQ BHAI #CHIRAG HAMESA ROTA REHTA H :p Some people believe that the sole purpose of our existence is to find a soul mate, find what they call true love. The rest of us have better things to do in life. Here are 13 signs that relationships and commitment are just not my thing. And not in a bad way! In a superbly good way, in fact. 1. Unlike most people around, you dont feel the need of a partner. Youre a pretty darn good company yourself. 2. Youre in a stage where youre trying to make something of your life. Thats all you care about. Everything else comes second. 3. Its not like youre not interested in women. Youve had your share of flings and dates, but you want to keep it at that. Just that. Nothing more. 4. Youve been in love before and while there is no denying it was a beautiful feeling, quite honestly, a relationship is really not your oxygen. Love is overrated. You can totally do without it. 5. Youve been in and out of relationships and while youre sure it was true love, the relationships were total disasters. Theres no way youre putting yourself through that again. Relationships dont deserve you. 6. Its been long since youve risen above childish concepts of love-affairs, girlfriends and boyfriends. If there is a true connection with a person, youd just know. And you wouldnt need to say it out loud. 7. Youre too busy in life to make space for another person. You have your priorities set and a relationship is not one of them. Too bad, all you hot girls. 8. You dont need a girlfriend to be happy. Your life is awesome already. Youre doing all youve ever wanted to, living all your dreams, without any regrets. 9. Call it what you may, you feel youre just not a romantic person. The only relationship you can handle is the one with your food! Pizzas, anyone? 10. You know how everyone of us has a personal space bubble. Yeah, well, yours happens to be a little too big. 11. Youre truly, deeply, madly in love with yourself. There is no way in the world youre going to let anybody change you even a bit. 12. Youve seen most of your friends enter into relationships and fake love all their life. You dont need to do that. Youre in a much better place right now. You thank God youre not committed when you hear your best friend complain. 13. Being single is the most awesome thing that could have happened to you. Its a boon. Who would want to give that up? visit page : mensxp/special-features/today/23331-13-signs-youre-just-not-meant-for-relationships.html
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:48:47 +0000

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