BEING THE BEST HUSBAND: My goal as a husband is to smother her - TopicsExpress


BEING THE BEST HUSBAND: My goal as a husband is to smother her with love. I intend to love on her by spending time with her and being verbal and active in how I demonstrate my commitment to him. It’s not always easy to be the spouse I desire. Effort and energy are both required, which I don’t always possess. Frequently, I am tired. I have a lot on my plate career wise, so time is limited. My son have requests that also pull me away. However, with all of that being said, I need to make the time and force the energy because I need my marriage to survive. I am so passionate about what marriage provides; a lasting partnership and friendship. It fulfills our needs to feel love and share our lives with someone who contributes to it; who makes us feel alive. It is an awesome feeling to have this level of commitment and connection. I love being able to take care of someone and have someone take care of me. Sharing my life with a person who cares about what’s happening in my world is a blessing. With so much to personally be grateful for, it makes sense to have a goal of being the best husband possible. I am retired, so I am at home a lot. My wife goes to work daily. In my effort to be a good husband, I clean the house and make the bed daily, I wash, dry and fold the clothes. I cook daily for my wife and son. When they get home in the evenings dinner is ready and the table is set. The only things she has to do when she gets home is get cleaned up and come to the dinner table. If this is also a goal for you as man, then I want to share some things with you that will assist you in being a good husband. Stay Prayed Up Staying prayed up is my ultimate goal. Praying over my marriage and asking God to protect it, only increases our faith, commitment and connection. Love with Everything You Got Loving with everything I have is next. Intentionally carving out time for date nights, making sure our communication is open and honest and our intimacy is alive and well, top the list. Don’t Judge Not judging what doesn’t make sense to me. My goal is to seek understanding for what I have questions about. If I don’t get why my wife is feeling what she’s feeling, I have to ask appropriate questions and not jump to conclusions. Have No Regrets Becoming a becoming a husband of little to no regrets. I don’t ever want to regret how I talk to my wife, take her for granted or neglect her in the bedroom. Be in Tune My primary goal in my marriage is making sure my wife consistently feels loved. If she does not, I’m positive she will let me know. But as good husbands, we have to be aware and in tune with our spouses. Being a good husband, or better yet, being a great husband, should be part of every married man’s plan. I hope this blesses our men.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 13:19:08 +0000

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