BEING THE TEXT OF THE PRESS RELEASE BY COMRADE JOHN SHIMA THE ACTING SENATE PRESIDENT NATIONAL ASSOCITION OF NIGERIANSTUDENTS (NANS) NANS POSITION ON THE ASUU/FG IMPASE The Senate Secretariat of NANS frowns at the insincerity of the Federal Government over theyears on her agreement entered with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), which has compelled the union to go on the current indefinite strike. The FG has continually reneged on its part of the bargain without regard or concern for the Nigerian students. These incessant strike actions take heavy toll on the social and economic wellbeing of Nigerian students; most worrisome, it undermines the quality of Nigerian graduates at both local and international scene. NANS has a historic responsibility of protecting the universal sanctity of the freedom and democratic nature of the academia and the inalienable rights of its constituent. To this extend, we view the demands of ASUU as noble and modest and perfectly in line with the Chatter of Demand ofNANS, which is the fulcrum of the organization. By allowing the ASUU strike to linger for this long, the FG has shown its level of insensitivity to the plights of Nigerian Students and tax payers. NANS is a revolutionary organization and cannot afford to lose its bite on this issue of national importance. We hereby put our full weight behind ASUU and call on the FG to as amatter of emergency, resolve it impasse with ASUU to enable students return to class. The gradual commercialization of the Nigerian education is not acceptable and the total democratizationof our tertiary institutions is nonnegotiable! The issue of ASUU strike is topmost on the Agenda of the NANS 68th Senate Meeting scheduled for 23rd-25th of August, in Port Harcourt, Rivers State; we shall take a decisive cause of action on the matter at the meeting. We urge the National Assembly of Nigeria, relevant authorities, and all well-meaning Nigerians to intervention and nip the hydra-headed ASUU/FG impasse in the bud, to give Nigerian ivory towers a new lease of life and consequently, stabilize academic activities in our tertiary insinuations. Failure of the FG to end this yearly persecution of Nigerian students and their parents this time around will attract the wrath of Nigerian students in anationwide protest. We cannot continue this way! There has to be a change! Comrade John Shima, Ag. NANS Senate President
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 10:06:19 +0000

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