BEWARE OF BOTH FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & ELIM BIBLE INSTITUTE... what have become the nerve center, or the residence of the Theological Moorings, the theological core foundations of the New Apostolic Reformation Dominionist Heresy! ~~~ “Elim Bible Institute” (EBI) of Lima, NY is one of the most enduring hotbeds of False Apostolic/Prophetic Dominionist Theology or promoters of Kingdom Now extra-biblical doctrine in the US. As Christian, as innocuous as it is deemed to be... is nothing short of a classic example of the Leavened Teaching that Christ warned His followers against… It only takes a little, to leaven the whole lump! I once personally considered attending EBI for formal theology studies, EBI, where I once frequented at the zenith in popularity of what has now become a byword in American Evangelicalism the Shepherding Movement of days gone by... EBI, a hotbed and stronghold of the Heresy more readily recognized as Dominion Theology or Kingdom Now or Latter Day Rain Doctrine - circa 70s & 80s, - The “Shepherding Movement”, A False Apostolic, False Prophetic Dominionist movement, that spread like wildfire amidst primarily Pentecostal/Charismatic circles for some 15 - 20 yrs... found its timely end in through the early 1980’s…only to crash and burn, collapsing from both the inside due to some of its very own recognizing their grave error as well as a direct result of outward pressure stemming from the greater Evangelical community…pressure that had been mounting for years... for its promotion of extra-biblical and unbiblical doctrines... that not only brought division amidst the greater Body of Christ, but more significantly caused millions of genuine Bible Believing Christians to stumble in their faith in Christ…!!!. The Shepherding Movement Heresy of the 70s & 80s... is once again showing its ugly head, and that with a vengeance... better known as the New Apostolic Reformation founded by C. Peter Wagner, presently directed by Chuck Pierce... And Elim Bible Institute along with Fuller Theological Seminary is where the greater NAR Dominionist movement has established its Theological Moorings... The present day NAR Heresy that we see experiencing stellar like grouth, that is being promoted under the auspices of the likes of C. Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Mike Bickle, Bill Johnson, Lou Engle, John Arnott, Randy Clark the list is lengthy ... as crystallized, and formerly promoted with their extra-biblical, heretical but neatly packaged False Apostolic/Prophetic teaching known as the 7 Mountains of God - Mandate!!! Dear Child of God.... Be forewarned.... The day in which we presently live is indeed very dark, even to be found lurking with the shadows of Sodom & Gomorrah... growing more & more dark with the simple passing of time,... Darkness that what most American Evangelicals are unwilling to recognize... But the Master, taught that in the end of days the darkness would become so fierce,so insidious and so all pervasive... that if it were possible, even the very Elect of God would be deceived... If ever there existed a time in which we of absolute necessity require being well grounded in the Word of individual disciples of Christ... it is today!!! Be keenly aware of EBI, and their associations... for in back of their innocuous and seemly Biblical demeanor... is a classic example of one of the Serpent of Olds , greatest contrivances in causing the Beloved Bride of Christ to stumble in her Faith... and that in a day of Great Judgment! “I AM AMAZED THAT YOU ARE SO QUICKLY DESERTING HIM WHO CALLED YOU BY THE GRACE OF CHRIST, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only THERE ARE SOME WHO ARE DISTURBING YOU AND WANT TO “DISTORT” [NAR GUILTY IN THE FIRST DEGREE] THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST! But EVEN IF “WE”, OR “AN ANGEL” FROM HEAVEN, SHOULD PREACH TO YOU A GOSPEL CONTRARY TO WHAT WE HAVE PREACHED TO YOU, HE IS TO BE ACCURSED! As we have said before, SO I SAY AGAIN NOW, IF ANY MAN IS PREACHING TO YOU A GOSPEL CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU RECEIVED, HE IS TO BE ACCURSED! For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? IF I WERE STILL TRYING TO PLEASE MEN, I WOULD NOT BE A BOND-SERVANT OF CHRIST!” ~ Galatians 1:6-10 ~~~ ~~~
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:24:32 +0000

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