BEWARE OF PHISHING SCAM ON FACEBOOK!!! Just finished a message - TopicsExpress


BEWARE OF PHISHING SCAM ON FACEBOOK!!! Just finished a message conversation with someone named Lynn Johnson, who only had 9 other friends and no info or other photos of himself. Heres the conversation we had on Facebook: LJ: Hello, how are you ?? Me: Good. And you? LJ: Good to hear from doing wonderfully great.i hope you have also been contacted by the CFDA ? Me: CFDA? LJ: its the ( COMMUNITY FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE), Really, Its a Give back money grant offer from the federal domestic assistance agency to help people maintain the standard of living Me: Nope. Never been contacted by them. LJ: I even thought you have been contacted already because I saw your name among the winner list when the CFDA agent brought cash to me and I wonder if you have got yours ? This is real program and i have gotten mine delivered to me already Me: Really? How much did you get. LJ: i got 90,000 delivered to me and one of my old friend got 120,000 Me: 90,000 what? LJ: I think you should contact the CFDA agent that lead the ups delivery agents to me on his face book contact page or email address. Maybe i should share hisface book contact page link with you ? Me: No, Ill check it out myself. Why didnt you post this good news of yours on your Facebook page.? Its blank. LJ: no the agent told me to keep the program to my self Me: Then why tell me if youre supposed to keep it to yourself? [Pause of several minutes.] Me: Hello? LJ: you dont trust me Me: You have no personal information at all on Facebook. No personal photos. And there is no CFDA on the Internet. I just checked. Where are you from, Lynn? That may help me trust you. LJ: Calgary, Alberta Me: What high school did you go to? [After a long pause.] LJ: LHS Me: LHS? [After another long pause.] LJ: yes Me: What does LHS stand for? [Another long pause.] Me: Hello? [Another long pause.] Me: So whats the name of the agent Im supposed to contact? LJ: [NOTE: I HAVE DELETED THE FACEBOOK LINK. RO] click on this link and add the agent to be your friend now because hes online and i can tell you what to do next Jaymie C Finger Me: No, Im NOT clicking on a link. Whats your phone number? Im going to call you. [Long pause.] Me: Whats your phone number? [Long pause.] Me: Whats your phone number? [Long pause.] Me: Whats your phone number? [Long pause.] Me: What does LHS stand for? [Long pause.] Me: Cat got your tongue? [Long pause.] Me: What does LHS stand for? Whats your phone number? Whats Jaymies phone number? Why dont you have any posts at all on your Facebook page? Facebook message: This message failed to send. Click to send again. Me: Hello? Facebook message: This message failed to send. Click to send again. So thats the whole message history. BE CAREFUL. I have included the agents name. FYI, his Facebook page is also low on the number of friends he has and there are no posts from him of any natural and no other photos.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:02:21 +0000

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