BEWARE OF SATANS SNARES.. Here is a sad story of an ex Jehovahs - TopicsExpress


BEWARE OF SATANS SNARES.. Here is a sad story of an ex Jehovahs Witness, who says that her life was so restricted that she was eventually disfellowshipped at the age of Twenty. Only to be raped at the age of 26, six years after leaving the faith. Sadly many fail to see the difference between protection and controlling. Yes there are strong guide lines which the Bible enforces, but they are there for our own protection, the same as when the Israelites were in the wilderness they too needed to have laws which were different from the surrounding nations, as they served as a protection and the continuation of their line in which the Messiah would come. It is no difference today, as we are nearing the end of this system of things, the sealing of the anointed is taking place, and satan will use what ever tests he can to cause the anointed to fall before Christ Jesus final return. Even in the wilderness there were many tests, and the worst being when the Israelites were left alone some 40 days and 40 nights when Moses went to get the Ten Commandments that Jehovah had written, they had made a Golden Calf, an idol which brought the nation of Israel in to apostasy with many losing their lives. Even today we are tested, sometimes we feel, armageddon has taken too long, many are becoming disillusioned or impatient, the love of the greater number will cool off, as satan puts ever more pressure on faithful Christians to break their integrity. Did Jesus say it was going to be easy in these last days, no..on the contrary he said we would have to pick up our torture stake which is an implement for excruciating suffering. So as TRUE CHRISTIANS, we have to be prepared that our tests will come from within and outside the congregation, the same as it Was in past times, but more so now as we approach the Great Tribulation. Sadly many want the freedom that the world offers, and thats our prerogative and free will, but the wide and spacious road comes at a great cost, as I myself has experienced, and learnt a hard lesson from. Jehovah doesnt place boundaries to prevent us from enjoyment, it serves as a protection in the same way as a parent puts a safety guard around a fire. Its very easy to blame Jehovah and his arrangement when we have undergone some form of hurt like this sister did, her rape ordeal must have been terrible, but she was disfellowshipped because she obviously was unrepentant and wanted to leave the organisation anyway. At this point she has now walked into the open arms of satan turning to Yoga, New Age belief system, which is purely satanic. She speaks about being cut off from her family? surely that was her mothers decision not the organisation, I still see my brother and family members who are not Jehovah witnesses. Sadly hatred and bitterness enters the heart and all sense and Reasoning is gone to the wind, in return she embraced the Catholic faith head of Babylon The Great Do we see how satan works, the Catholic faith doesnt mind if you do yoga as they are the head of the Ecumenical movement who are spear heading the new One World Religion which is part of the One World Government headed by the UN. Sadly the New Age religion is leading many astray, because it plays on our need for love, in a loveless world, but its not the balanced love which Jehovah displays. On the surface it seems ideal, but New Age love is based upon sentimentality, freedom and love within any situation as long as it feels right, a teaching where there is no wrong. The same deception was taught by satan in the garden of Eden, that we are free spirits worthy of ruling ourselves and becoming like Gods caring less about the consequences. As the Bible says there is nothing new under the son, satan uses the same old tactics, homing in on our weaknesses, of self pity, and hard done by nature, why me etc etc..Satan appears as an Angel of light with the answers to what we want to hear, be careful as the scripture says at 1 Peter 5:8 Stay alert! be Watchful for your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking to devour some one and as it says in 2 Timothy 4:3-5 For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome* teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled. 4 They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories. 5 You, though, keep your senses in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangeliser, fully accomplish your ministry. This just shows that each and everyone of us need to be alert as tests can present themselves in very subtle ways, slowly eroding bit by bit our integrity and our faith, making us forget that Jesus also suffered a heavy trial, and had to endure to the end, let us walk in his foot steps, and dont allow ourselves to become seduced by self pity, as if we are missing out on something better. We are deep into the time of the end, and we are going to be targeted left right and centre, I am speaking to brothers and sisters who are being spiritually attacked constantly, this is when we have to stop be calm and pray for Gods Holy Spirit to help us endure these terrible trials, none of us are exempt, just keep strong and endure to the end, to not become satans pickings, but let us triumph in bringing glory to Jehovahs name.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 13:45:48 +0000

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