BIBLE SUMMARY MALACHI THE LAST of the Old Testament prophets - TopicsExpress


BIBLE SUMMARY MALACHI THE LAST of the Old Testament prophets to write a book of the Bible was Malachi, whose messages were given about 400 BC. Little is known about him. The Israelites, now restored to their homeland, had become careless in supporting the work of God by means of their tithes and offerings. Special reproof is given to the priests for their bad example. Their high calling is set forth in these words: “The priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 2: 7. Malachi was sent to give a final written message to his disobedient people. He assured them that the Messiah will come, and that He will bring judgment instead of comfort to the negligent. Nevertheless, God’s mercy was extended to them. “Return unto Me, and I will return unto you,” pleaded the Lord with them. Malachi 3: 7. Precious promises of blessing are assured to the faithful. The wicked will be destroyed at the last day, when the earth shall be purged by fire. (Malachi 4: l.) Christ, the Messenger of the covenant (Malachi 3: 1), would surely come to the temple some day, and He would be preceded by a forerunner clothed in the Spirit and the power of Elijah. (Malachi 4: 5, 6.) The Elijah message in Malachi has a twofold application. It refers primarily to John the Baptist, who heralded the first advent of Christ. (Matthew 11:11-15) He called upon the people to repent and prepare for the arrival of the Messiah. (Matthew3.) But also today, “before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Malachi 4: 5), men and women clothed in the Spirit and power of Elijah are heralding the message of the second coming of Jesus, that a people may be prepared and ready to meet Him when He comes. (Revelation 14: 6; Matthew 24: 14) OUR SAVIOUR “By His life and His death, Christ has achieved even more than recovery from the ruin wrought through sin. It was Satan’s purpose to bring about an eternal separation between God and man; but in Christ we become more closely united to God than if we had never fallen. In taking our nature, the Savior has bound Himself to humanity by a tie that is never to be broken. Through the eternal ages He is linked with us. ‘God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son.’ John 3: 16. He gave Him not only to bear our sins, and to die as our sacrifice; He gave Him to the fallen race. To assure us of His immutable counsel of peace, God gave His only-begotten Son to become one of the human family, forever to retain His human nature. This is the pledge that God will fulfill His word. ‘Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder.’ God has adopted human nature in the person of His Son, and has carried the same into the highest heaven. It is the ‘Son of man’ who shares the throne of the universe. It is the ‘Son of man’ whose name shall be called, ‘Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.’ Isaiah 9: 6. The I AM is the Days man between God and humanity, laying His hand upon both. He who is ‘holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners,’ is not ashamed to call us brethren. Hebrews 7: 26; 2: 11. In Christ the family of earth and the family of heaven are bound together. Christ glorified is our brother. Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and humanity is enfolded in the bosom of Infinite Love.”- E. G. White, The Desire of Ages, pp. 25-26. ON MONDAY WE GET TO THE NEW TESTAMENT STARTING WITH THE BOOK OF MATTHEW! STAY BLESSED AND HAPPY ASBBATH…
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 06:59:54 +0000

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