BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! My Thanksgiving thoughts I think got locked - TopicsExpress


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! My Thanksgiving thoughts I think got locked down in Facebooks Twilight Zone. So, Im reposting it with the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT as the algorithms Facebook uses to determine which posts it shows you on your feed give a greater priority to what it deems big announcements. All Im seeing is the video so I hope the message (video was supposed to just be accompaniment) that went along with it goes with it. If after I share it and see that it doesnt Ill share it again without the videos sadly. Ok, so I just checked and it didnt transfer the message SO, Im editing and I copied and am pasting my thoughts in. Here they are..... _____________________________________________ My thoughts and prayers are with Heather Weaver and her little family on this Thanksgiving. As well as all those who have lost loved ones, have loved ones that are sick or loved ones that are fighting overseas today. I pause to think about them. How blessed we are just to have the ones we do have with us each and every year. Circumstances can change in a heartbeat. So lets cherish every moment of them. Give thanks because even through our troubles our Great God Jehovah is GOOD! Hes GOOD through the storm, through the rain and Hes good on when things are going our way. But its in the bad times often that we lean on Him the most. That should motivate us to try and strive to be close to Him every day so He doesnt feel the need to remove distractions that we may consider comforts. He is jealous over us. Lets never let the blessings take precedence of praise over the BLESSER. May He bring to mind each day exactly how merciful and loving He is and remind us of His Glory and the Favor that He bestows upon us. Theres a lot of folks that might have struggled to even put together a meal for this special day. There are those Im sure that might have went hungry this Thanksgiving and that brings a tear when I think of it. Let us be ever mindful of just how blessed we are to have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, heat, food and drink. And if God has blessed you abundantly, GIVE ABUNDANTLY. Not everybody that is hungry is there out of some of their own doing. Life doesnt play fair. Id encourage everybody to go seek out those that might not be having a meal tomorrow and give a little bit to them. Either food, or money or maybe get them a room for a night so they might take a bath and get in from the cold if they are homeless. Freely you receive, freely give. Doesnt always mean money either... This song says so much. https://youtube/watch?v=HJL7Eis0Rb0 All too often we try to figure out who does and who doesnt deserve to be helped out of a, if we were to be honest, self righteous spirit and in turning from those who we dont feel is worthy; we steal the Jesus that God meant for them to see in our help. And satan has his way with them once again. And again. And again. Until we choose to stop trying to make the call and help those God puts in front of us. Might be money, food, prayers, an ear, a shoulder, or sometimes....its just a little time. God doesnt always turn us upside down and hold us by our feet shaking the money out of our pockets. Its always easier on us and actually more beneficial to do it willingly. Lets meet the physical need, so they will be open to getting their SPIRITUAL needs met. That is why Jesus said what good is it to tell a brother to Be filled! Be clothed! Be joyful! and send him away with no food, no clothes or anything. Goes back to us being the Body. Love each and every one of you. Hope God has blessed your Thanksgiving.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:27:51 +0000

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