BIG BIRDS BLOCKING MOBILE PHONE SIGNALS IN TILEHURST AREA! Recent reports of the big birds have been blocking mobile phone signals in the Tilehurst area of Reading. A flock of Red-kite birds have been spotted nesting in the mobile phone mast in Upton Close Tilehurst. The big bird of pray who we photoed the other day in the area,The phone mast is shared by a few phone providers in the area,we spoke one of the phone providers they said we are going to install spikes on the mast to stop our customers signals from becoming wiped out by the Red-kites in due course this should stop them from landing there. The local( r s p b) has said this could do a lot of harm to our red-kite wildlife stock local and if they land on a spike it could do great harm or they may be come stuck in spike then they will have to be rescued and we would have to for fit the vets bill which would be costly,they would ask the mobile phone companys to think very hard first before taking action with spikes. Spikes have been installed on many other buildings around the Reading area to stop the pigeons from landing on buildings. So do you like the big Red-kites or not they are a bird of pray with very big wing span and very power full,i am you would agree no spikes should not be installed or should they be installed have you say on this matter. (Words and Photos by Paul King-This Reading)
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:07:04 +0000

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