BIG MISTAKE TO BACK WARREN. Democrats have regressed to the - TopicsExpress


BIG MISTAKE TO BACK WARREN. Democrats have regressed to the 1970s. That will prove disastrous in a general election. After proving that fiscal restraint and balanced budgets do work, along with targeted business stimulus, the liberal wing (Socialists) want to take us back to the days of Entitlement. Nobody should have to pay off their Student loans, no matter how low the rate is. GOVERNMENT should pay for that. Government should also expand MEDICAID before we fix it. And Government should NOT hold teachers accountable so our Education system goes to pot. Government should Raise the Minimum Wage when doing so would be a huge job killer. Times have changed. What worked in the past will not work in the future. The Public KNOWS this.. Regressing to Socialist idealogy where the Government plays a paternalistic role in subsidizing everything and Redistributing income is INSANE. And it will only perpetuate and worsen the cycle of Poverty. We need new answers to todays problems that acknowledge and accept that we have an entirely different landscape to deal with. Further, distancing candidates from the President is another bad move. There is a problem but it has not been properly diagnosed. Meanwhile I would urge the President to consult with the Top Tier Economists on these issues, not the regressive hypocrits who exploit capitialism while pretending to be against it. I used to admire Warren when she was a Consumer Advocate. She was good at that. But she simply does not have the leadership skills to go beyond that role. If she had her way, she would regulate every move the Banks made and intervene in every business decision. She would also redistribute the assets of the job creators and encourage more people to drop out of the workplace. She is targeting Hillary now while secretly leaking negative stories. Hillary better watch her back. There is no way Warren could win a general election. And I hope she loses her Senate race. She is the wrong person to guide us through this complex new technological world. Warren and her side kick Reich would destroy this country. Yes, we have problems to fix, and a sector of the workplace is displaced. There are many complex reasons for that. Warren just says what she thinks people want. What people NEED is some NEW IDEAS and a transition OUT OF Entitlement. I believe that Warren is sincere about her beliefs, even messianic. But what she is marketing is FEAR and ENVY. Thats not what propels a democracy. Hillary would eat her alive in a general election. A false friend.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 19:27:54 +0000

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