BILL IRWIN DAVID SHINER SHAINA TAUB OLD HATS An incredible show - Sally & I were in the audience and nearly participants in this fantastic performance. Ive known about Bill Irwins talent for nearly 40 years since I took an EXCO clown course he taught at Oberlin, his alma mater. Ive followed his work ever since.. MacArthur genius award, film roles, including Popeye with Robin Williams. David Shiner is brilliant as well.. They compliment each others style of comedy. Some of the many skits are like watching a giant cartoon with live characters. More true to the cartoonist vision than something like Dick Tracy or Superman, images they create and the unreal contortions of their bodies at times, go beyond just costuming ( which is hysterical by itself)! Shaina Taub is a musical talent of impressive depth. She made the show even more enjoyable by adding a musically pleasing interlude between skits as well as accompaniment during the acting. She can go French bistro style cabaret with an accordion to jazzy or smooth sounding modern eclectic to blues in her style. I expect more will be heard from her and her talented band. Check this show out if you have a chance. You will be glad you did.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 17:15:02 +0000

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