BINGO BLINGO TICKET GIVEAWAY - BY COOKIE JAM -- WINNERS -- First Winner: Kim Murphy!! - 158 Tickets!! Second Winner: Deborah Boutte!! - 158 Tickets!! Fourth Winner: Wendy Bishop!! 158 Tickets!! Third Winner: Virginia Arellano!! 158 Tickets! Fifth Winner: Joe Flower!! 158 Tickets!! Sixth Winner: Liz Bank Bridges!! 158 Tickets!! Seventh Winner: Debi Teale-Hunsaker!! 158 Tickets!! Eight Winner: Karen Campbell!! - 158 Tickets!! Ninth Winner: Diane M Forster!! - 158 Tickets!! Tenth Winner: Becky Gouine-Herring!! - 158 Tickets!! -- NUMBER CHOOSERS - RANDOM WINNERS-- Victoria Smith!! - 100 Tickets!! Mary Drummer!! - 100 Tickets!! Andrea Ocañada!! - 100 Tickets!! Alyssa Scritchfield!! - 100 Tickets!! -- FINAL SURPRISE WINNER-- This award was meant for the person that suggested the number that was used to call the very first winner. Unfortunately the player has removed his or her comment after the winner were announced. As such I dont know who it was. Therefore, the prize goes to THE RUNNERUP!! Kelly Taylor Pitcherello!! 158 Tickets!! for picking the second winner ---OLD UPDATE--- I need 10 numbers between 1 and 1000 to pick our winners. Please provide one number per person. The first ten provided will be used.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 23:03:37 +0000

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